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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-07 18:10
[Abstract]:With the advent of the Internet era, people are feeling Weibo and WeChat's influence is really "micro" power boundless, unlimited business opportunities. With the arrival of the mobile Internet era and the popular trend of network consumption, the birth of various network marketing methods makes the market scale of online shopping become more and more large, and the demand of people becomes very diverse. Currently, more than 800 million registered users of personal WeChat in China have entered Tencent's public WeChat platform, including more than 100 million listeners. WeChat is installed on almost every smartphone, with a penetration rate of more than 98%. WeChat marketing has become a brand-new sales model. Following the relevant strategies and working together with various modes of network media, the system can be managed effectively, and the communication between online and offline will be more convenient, which will help to strengthen customer relationship and realize customer value to the greatest extent. Nowadays, the popularity of cosmetics online marketing is increasing. XFC Cosmetics Co., Ltd. has a long history in marketing strategy, mode and other aspects are still in a traditional state, can not meet the new needs of modern network marketing. This paper takes XFC Cosmetics Co., Ltd. as the research object, focuses on the marketing strategy of WeChat, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of WeChat marketing mode, and explores how to use the WeChat platform to create the characteristic management mode from the actual situation. For XFC Cosmetics Co., Ltd. to connect with the new era market, expand customer volume, launch effective sales, obtain sustainable development, put forward countermeasures. Through the research of this paper, I hope to broaden the development of the company path, contribute to the modest strength, but also for other companies to rely on WeChat platform, expand sales channels to provide reference.


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