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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-05 20:12
[Abstract]:With the development of China's social economy, golf has developed rapidly in China. The development of international golf competition has promoted the development of local golf events in China. In this paper, through the development of golf at home and abroad, the development of the event, the event operation and other aspects of the data collation and analysis, the author of the relevant documents and read a large number of papers, books and materials, From the theoretical and practical analysis, it is found that there are some deficiencies in the development of local golf events in China, especially the unreasonable operation of golf events. In order to develop golf in China, the first step is to improve the competitive level of golf in China, and the development of golf events is not only a platform for golfers to exchange their skills, but also contributes to the improvement of the competitive level of golf in China. It is also an effective way for Chinese golfers to go to the world. The development of golf events is an important part of promoting the development of golf industry in China. However, due to the influence of the management mode and marketing level of golf events, there are some problems in the operation of golf events. By studying the current situation of the running of the Nanjing "Star Cup" Golf Challenge, this paper finds out the problems existing in the operation of the tournament, and puts forward the corresponding development countermeasures to promote the long-term development of the event. Since its establishment in 2007, Nanjing Star Cup Golf Challenge has made some achievements, but it has also encountered some problems in its operation. The purpose and significance of this paper are how to improve the operation of the event and put forward some suggestions to provide reference for Nanjing "Starlight Cup" Golf Challenge and other golf events. This paper uses the methods of literature, interview and logic analysis to study the organization, operation mode, operation content, competition type, related activities and commercial development of Nanjing "Starlight Cup" Golf Challenge. Media publicity, brand image and cultural connotations are studied in depth, the current situation and problems of the event are analyzed, and the final conclusions and suggestions are formed. Through research and analysis, the main problems in the operation of Nanjing "Star Cup" Golf Challenge are as follows: (1) the defect of the operation management mode of the event, which is not conducive to the long-term development of the event; (2) the single content of the media publicity of the event. Lack of new content; (3) the sponsorship system is too simple, the sponsorship system span is too large; (4) golf event brand awareness is not high, event impact is small. According to the research results of this paper and the benign development situation of golf events, the author puts forward the corresponding solutions. (1) innovating the operation management mode of golf events, improving the level of the operation of the events; (2) improving the marketing level of the events, Strengthen the cultural publicity of golf; (3) improve the sponsorship system, multi-channel to seek sponsors; (4) strengthen the cooperation between the parties to the event, create golf brand events. Through the above development countermeasures, improve the Nanjing "Starlight Cup" golf challenge event operation, enhance the brand influence of golf events, in order to promote the long-term development of golf events.


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