
當前位置:主頁 > 管理論文 > 營銷論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-10-05 09:47
[Abstract]:With the economic development of our country, the state supports small and medium-sized enterprises, the upsurge of entrepreneurship, the number of small and medium-sized enterprises in China reaches 70 million. Because most small and medium-sized enterprises have no sound financial department, they outsource their own financial affairs to the related agency accounting enterprises. The global financial and accounting agency market reached $47.6 billion in 2008 alone, according to a IDC study. At present, there are tens of thousands of agency bookkeeping companies nationwide, and there are 1000 preliminary statistics on the number of enterprises in Kunming that only handle agency bookkeeping licenses. If calculate "unlicensed management" and did not deal with "agency charge license" but actually engaged in agency accounting business enterprises, Kunming engaged in the number of agency bookkeeping enterprises reached more than 1500. Agency accounting market scale is huge, but the market order is very chaotic. Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other developed cities have advanced in the development of agency accounting industry, there have been some good scale agency accounting enterprises, but the development of Kunming agency accounting industry lags behind. Although the number of agency accounting enterprises in Kunming market has reached more than 1500, but the real size of enterprises is rare, the number of agency enterprises reached more than 500 enterprises only 4. The development of Kunming agency bookkeeping enterprise lags behind, because of the objective factors, poor market practice environment and disorderly market competition, but more is the problem of the enterprise itself, the enterprise culture is weak, the concept of enterprise manager lags behind, and the management of enterprise personnel is backward. Staff mobility and other core issues. Kunming Suntech Finance Co., Ltd., founded in 2012, by 2016, has 500 acting accounting customers, the number of acting customers ranked fourth in Kunming. Although Suntech Financial is developing faster than other accounting agencies in Kunming, but looking at the national market, Suntech Finance is still far from Beijing, Shanghai and other big financial companies, and the space for expansion is also very large. Through the study of MBA course, the author has read the relevant documents, grasped the relevant theories of enterprise strategic management and agency accounting, and then analyzed the market environment of agency accounting in Kunming City, and found out the direction of the existence of agency accounting enterprise. This paper analyzes the present situation of Kunming Suntech finance, explores the advantages of the company, finds out the problems in human resources, corporate culture, performance appraisal, marketing and so on, and analyzes the industry environment. This paper puts forward the development strategy plan of the company, formulates the company's strategic goal, the competition strategy and the strategic emphases. Finally, in order to ensure the implementation of the company strategy, it puts forward the concrete strategic measures.


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