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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-09 14:11

  本文關鍵詞:產品體驗多樣性對購買后評價的影響 出處:《吉林大學》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: 產品體驗多樣性 消費者購后評價 感知使用頻率 產品使用場景

[Abstract]:There has been no lack of academic research on product diversity, but the current exploration of product diversity is limited to the research framework of product line and product combination. There is a lack of consumer behavior to examine this issue, and this paper is different from previous studies focusing on product diversity. The research in this paper focuses more on the impact of product perception experience diversity on product evaluation after product purchase, and on the basis of the existing literature on perception experience diversity. Explore and verify its internal mechanism, put forward the product experience diversity impact on the post-purchase evaluation model, and use the experimental method to carry out an empirical test of the model. Product experience diversity affects consumers' post-purchase evaluation. The mechanism is that the less product experience diversity consumers perceive, the higher the perceived use frequency. Since the frequency of use will have a positive impact on post-purchase evaluation, consumers will be more active in post-purchase evaluation. The relationship between perceived use experience diversity and product post-purchase evaluation will have different results under different product usage scenarios. Further, this study proposed the regulatory role of product use scenarios. That is, in the daily situation of product use, the low diversity of consumer experience will improve consumers' post-purchase evaluation of their products, while in the special situation of product use. Higher consumer experience diversity will improve consumers' post-purchase evaluation of their products. In particular, in the daily situation of product use, due to metacognitive difficulties, consumers will have a lower evaluation of the product. Therefore, the low diversity of consumer experience will improve consumers' post-purchase evaluation of their products. However, in the special situation of product use. Metacognitive difficulties make consumers to make a higher evaluation of the product. Therefore, the higher diversity of consumer experience will improve consumers' post-purchase evaluation of their products. Finally. This paper discusses the theoretical contribution and management implications of the research results, and puts forward the limitations and future research prospects of this study. In particular, this study expands the research scenarios for the study of diversity. The results of this study further expand the understanding of consumer perceived use frequency. This study found that the negative impact of product experience diversity on product post-purchase evaluation is for the products used in daily situations, and for the products used in special situations, the more product experience diversity. Consumers' post-purchase evaluation may be higher, which provides a way for future research. At the same time, this paper puts forward practical suggestions for marketing practice, such as. In advertising, the use experience is described as a daily product with more common experience characteristics, which will lead consumers to perceive a higher product use frequency. Therefore, it can improve consumer loyalty and the possibility of repeated purchase. This paper is of guiding significance for marketers to choose marketing strategies.


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