
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 管理論文 > 物流管理論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-08-04 13:21
[Abstract]:With the problems of environment, resources, population and economy becoming more and more prominent, it is the key work to realize the rational recycling of materials and promote the smooth development of reverse logistics to ensure the coordination and long-term development of all levels of society. However, due to the lack of consciousness of recycling and the imperfection of recycling network, residents, especially the urban residents who produce more electronic wastes, actually participate in the recovery of different levels of behavior, which is more obvious in different regions. So that the development of the work has little effect. In order to study the recycling behavior of electronic waste and the causes of spatial difference, this paper applies the planning behavior theory and structural equation model to reverse logistics field, taking the urban residents of Emeishan city as the object. The behavior structure equation model of electronic waste recovery for urban residents in Emei City was established. Then the model is fitted with AMOS software, and the influencing factors and ways of the e-waste recovery behavior of urban residents in Emeishan are analyzed by the numerical value of the final fitting model. Based on the standard of e-waste recovery behavior of urban residents in Emei City, Emei City is divided into five different behavior spaces by ArcGIS software. Finally, the influence of the population in each behavior space was analyzed by using the behavior structure equation model of Emei city residents' electronic waste recovery, which was established before. The results of the adaptation model were compared and analyzed to find out the causes of the differences in the five behavioral patterns. Among them, the structure equation model of Emei city residents' e-waste recycling behavior is formed by adding situational factors on the basis of the basic structure of planning behavior theory, which enriches the composition of the influencing factors of behavior. The attitudes, social norms, subjective evaluation and contextual constraints of the residents in carrying out the recovery behavior are fully considered, and the rationality and validity of the data used in the model are tested by using SPSS. When exploring the causes of behavioral differences in space, the effect value is introduced to measure the quantitative relationship between factors, which makes the analysis results more reasonable. Based on the analysis of the whole e-waste recycling behavior of urban residents in Emeishan city and the spatial zoning modeling and data mapping analysis, the following conclusions are obtained: (1) the attitude of the residents significantly affects their e-waste recycling behavior intention, and the following conclusions are obtained: (1) the attitude of the residents significantly affects their e-waste recycling behavior intention. And this effect is positive; (2) the subjective norms of residents significantly affect their e-waste recycling behavior, but this effect is negative; (3) residents' perceptual behavior control significantly affects their e-waste recycling behavior intention. And this effect is positive; (4) the residents' situation factors significantly affect their e-waste recycling behavior intention, and this effect is positive; (5) the residents' actual recycling behavior in the study area is different in spatial distribution. Although each latent variable has the same influence on behavior in the model, the quantitative relationship between the latent variables is different, the reason is that the dominant factors of behavior are different in different behavior space.


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