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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-31 20:25
【摘要】: 經(jīng)過多年的發(fā)展,我國在傳統(tǒng)物流理論的研究逐漸成熟,然而,冷鏈物流作為一種特殊的物流,還沒有得到應(yīng)有的重視。但隨著國民經(jīng)濟(jì)的發(fā)展和人民對食品要求的不斷提高,食品冷鏈物流的發(fā)展將會越來越受到重視。 本文從需求和供給兩方面分析了我國食品冷鏈物流的現(xiàn)狀,并總結(jié)出了我國食品冷鏈物流發(fā)展中存在的問題,并相應(yīng)地提出了食品冷鏈物流發(fā)展建議。 冷鏈物流儲運(yùn)的是易腐、容易變質(zhì)的冷凍冷藏食品,因此食品質(zhì)量問題是食品冷鏈物流的生命線。本文研究了冷鏈?zhǔn)称返馁|(zhì)量變化,并分析了低溫對冷鏈?zhǔn)称焚|(zhì)量的影響。本文還對危害分析和關(guān)鍵控制點(diǎn)(HACCP)的應(yīng)用研究進(jìn)行拓展,探討了HACCP在冷鏈物流在食品冷鏈物流中的應(yīng)用。 本文以傳統(tǒng)時窗限制下的車輛路徑問題為基礎(chǔ),分析冷凍冷藏食品路線配送特性并構(gòu)建相關(guān)成本函數(shù),包括因食品腐敗所造成的貨損成本、違反顧客需求時間窗口所造成的懲罰成本,配送時冷凍設(shè)備消耗的冷藏成本以及傳統(tǒng)車輛路徑問題中的運(yùn)輸成本等,以上述各項(xiàng)成本的總和最小為目標(biāo),構(gòu)建冷鏈物流配送路徑的數(shù)學(xué)模型,并編寫ILOG OPL程序求解模型,進(jìn)行算例分析。
[Abstract]:After years of development, the traditional logistics theory in China has gradually matured. However, as a special logistics, cold chain logistics has not been given due attention. However, with the development of national economy and the improvement of people's demand for food, the development of food cold chain logistics will be paid more and more attention. This paper analyzes the current situation of food cold chain logistics in China from two aspects of demand and supply, summarizes the problems existing in the development of food cold chain logistics in China, and puts forward corresponding suggestions for the development of food cold chain logistics. Cold chain logistics store and transport perishable and easily spoilage frozen refrigerated food, so food quality is the lifeline of cold chain logistics. The quality change of cold chain food was studied and the effect of low temperature on cold chain food quality was analyzed. In this paper, the application research of hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) is extended, and the application of HACCP in cold chain logistics of food is discussed. Based on the traditional vehicle routing problem, this paper analyzes the distribution characteristics of frozen and refrigerated food routes and constructs related cost functions, including the cost of goods damage caused by food corruption. The penalty cost caused by violating the time window of customer demand, the refrigeration cost of refrigerating equipment consumed during distribution, and the transportation cost in the traditional vehicle routing problem, etc., are aimed at minimizing the sum of the above costs. The mathematical model of cold chain logistics distribution path is constructed, and the ILOG OPL program is written to solve the model, and an example is analyzed.


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