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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-29 14:24
[Abstract]:With the continuous development and progress of the society, the competitiveness of enterprises is constantly increasing, and the benefits determine the survival of enterprises. Converter plays an irreplaceable role in steelmaking plant, and the life of converter determines the benefit of enterprise. At the end of the 20th century, the long life of converter was explored and studied in all the domestic large steel plants. The converter life was continuously improved, and the slag splashing was adopted to protect the furnace and to smelt less slag after "hot metal three stripping", and so on. It is no longer a technical problem for the furnace to reach 10000 heats or more. After long life of converter, the problem of material flow balance of iron and steel has been solved to a great extent, but it has brought three influences: the first one is that the corrosion resistance of lining brick is strict and the cost of refractory material is high. Not only large fabrics and sprayed materials are consumed in the middle and late period of furnace service, but also the cost of slag splashing increases continuously in the later period. The second effect is that the life of complex blowing is obviously reduced and the effect of complex blowing becomes worse. The third one is that because of the increase of the number of furnaces in the middle and late period of furnace service, it has been unable to play the role of balancing iron and steel logistics in blast furnace age, and has become the limiting link of production. Therefore, when the furnace age reaches a certain level, the furnace life will be increased, and the range of economic benefits obtained will decrease. It is better to use the best furnace age to maintain the best economic benefit, and it is reasonable to maintain the best economic benefit. The overage of the furnace requires the maintenance of equipment. In particular, the company's production organization is not well coordinated, as planned to stop the furnace. Under the condition of repeated slag splashing, the accumulation of harmful elements affects the quality of steel, especially for the smelting of high quality steel. If the furnace age is too high, it is difficult to maintain the bottom blowing and furnace body in the later stage of furnace service. Therefore, it can be concluded that the higher the furnace life, the better, so the development of economic furnace life is imperative. In order to find the best point of each converter's economic life in each converter, according to the actual situation, we set the slag splashing ratio, slag splashing time, slag splashing flow rate, recharging method and charge consumption according to the actual situation, such as slag splashing, furnace parameters, material price and so on. In order to find the best furnace life, the lowest comprehensive cost is controlled in the best economic life range. After the implementation of economic furnace life, due to the shortening of slag splashing and furnace lining maintenance time, the operation rate of converter is increased, thus the production capacity is increased, and the output is increased by 47400 tons per year. The ratio of combined blowing is greatly increased and the effect of bottom blowing is obviously improved after the implementation of economic furnace life, the cost per ton of steel can be reduced to some extent, and the cost per ton of steel can be reduced by 6.30 yuan, thus increasing the economic benefit.


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