
當前位置:主頁 > 管理論文 > 物流管理論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-07-26 10:40
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of logistics industry in our country, the market demand of logistics warehousing robot is increasing day by day, and the management system of logistics storage robot has become more automatic and intelligent. In the logistics warehouse robot management system, the robot can not only save the labor cost and reduce the harm caused by improper handling, but also improve the working efficiency of the storage system. Therefore, a mobile robot system of logistics storage based on STM32 is designed in this paper, and the function of information management of material storage in logistics storage is realized by simulation. The main work of this paper is as follows: firstly, according to the requirements of the design of the logistics storage mobile robot system, the implementation scheme is given, and the working flow of the system is planned. Secondly, according to the specific requirements of the system design, the hardware structure of the logistics storage mobile robot is designed and built. The hardware structure is composed of the main control chip, the power supply module and the RFID card reading module, the infrared sensor obstacle avoidance module and the XBee wireless communication module. Steering gear module QTI inspection module and other components. Thirdly, according to the requirements of hardware modularization design and system design, the software design of logistics warehousing mobile robot system is carried out. The software design is divided into lower computer software design and upper computer software design. Then, the path planning algorithm of logistics storage mobile robot is also studied. The paper mainly researches and improves the A* algorithm and the firefly algorithm. The effectiveness of the improved algorithm is verified by experimental simulation. Finally, the experiment platform of the logistics storage mobile robot is built, including the design of the physical objects such as the site, the material, the shelf, the wireless communication of the robot and the testing of the material scanning function. At the same time, the function of material storage management in logistics storage mobile robot system is successfully realized.


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