
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 管理論文 > 物流管理論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-07-23 11:35
[Abstract]:The operation of railway special needs train improves the service level and quality of the whole logistics, and promotes the improvement of the social logistics transportation system. On the basis of expounding the current situation of railway special needs train development, this paper analyzes the effect of special demand train operation from the aspects of forming railway logistics train brand effect, improving railway logistics service quality, promoting the improvement of logistics transportation system, etc. In view of the problems such as incomplete control of transportation demand existing in special needs train organization, not close connection of "front shop" and "rear factory", insufficient information support and so on, it is proposed to build a railway logistics brand train and to build a rapid logistics network in an all-round way. In order to promote the steady development of trains with special needs, we should strengthen the information construction of the whole process of products, expand the service types and extend the service range and so on.
【作者單位】: 中國鐵路總公司運輸局;
【基金】:中國鐵路總公司科技研究開發(fā)計劃課題(2016X006-C) 中國鐵道科學(xué)研究院院基金課題(2015YJ067,2014YJ099)




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