
當(dāng)前位置:主頁(yè) > 管理論文 > 物流管理論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-07-20 09:56
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy, the social division of labor becomes more and more fine, more and more enterprises recognize the third party logistics, so they choose to outsource their logistics business. Manufacturing enterprises also take the advantages of logistics outsourcing into account. Of course, the risk management of logistics outsourcing is the first issue that every outsourcing enterprise should pay attention to, because the good and bad management will directly affect the planning and implementation and actual operation of outsourcing enterprises. Therefore, the effective management and control of the risks in the process of logistics outsourcing can not only provide assistance to the relevant personnel of the company, but also identify, analyze, evaluate and monitor the risks. Moreover, we can use more scientific methods and corresponding measures to avoid and prevent various risks that may occur in the process of outsourcing, so as to minimize the enormous losses caused by the risks. In this paper, the current situation of logistics outsourcing and risk management at home and abroad is first expounded, then the purpose and significance of this paper are explained, and then some related theories are expounded. Then, on the basis of the theoretical research, aiming at the practical operation problems faced by S company, the paper makes a field investigation and analysis on its logistics outsourcing, and identifies the logistics outsourcing risk of S company by using effective risk identification method. The main risks faced by S Company are information, external environment, finance, process management and so on. Then using the scientific risk evaluation method, this paper uses the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and the analytic hierarchy process method to evaluate the risk level of logistics outsourcing and the possibility of risk prediction in S company. Then the evaluation results are analyzed. Finally, according to the actual situation of S company logistics outsourcing, and the identification, analysis and evaluation of S company logistics outsourcing risk, the effective risk control scheme for S company logistics outsourcing risk management is put forward. By establishing the corresponding logistics outsourcing organization and strengthening the management of the logistics outsourcing process, the risk of logistics outsourcing of S company can be prevented and controlled, and the value of logistics outsourcing can be achieved.


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