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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-14 13:56
[Abstract]:The large-scale laser device is a comprehensive high-tech engineering system which integrates laser, precision instrument, various optical-electromechanical control and computer control systems. The device is large in scale, complex in structure, and numerous in the number of components and devices. The complexity of the structure determines the complexity of the process. The process involves the evaluation of production capacity and efficiency, that is, under certain resource constraints and spatial constraints, the decision analysis and risk control of resource allocation, personnel scheduling and scheme selection are carried out. The process simulation of the research facility ensures that the plan is carried out according to scheduled time, resources and budget. In this paper, the background and research status of the whole device are summarized, and then the modeling and simulation methods, steps and significance of the calibration process of laser installation are introduced. Then, the installation process of the whole device is divided into layers according to the structure, and the system is modeled. The chip amplifier module of the main amplifier system is selected as the research object, the directed graph is extended, the definition of resource constraints is added, and the network diagram modeling of the calibration process is established. The graphic model is used to show the process of assembling and calibrating the module. On the basis of system modeling, using Flexsim logistics simulation software as the simulation platform, the simulation modeling example is verified, and the simulation results are compared with the actual situation. Based on JIT's just-in-time production mode, the different resource allocation is simulated under the given layout scheme, and the simulation results are compared and analyzed to verify the feasibility and analyze the installation efficiency. Finally, aiming at the practical problems, such as how to quickly modify the data and improve the efficiency of simulation, the data-driven simulation method is studied, and the user object entity model base and the database of assembly and calibration process are established. A preliminary simulation experiment is carried out in Flesim. The research results in this paper can provide certain technical support for the digital construction of laser device.


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