
當(dāng)前位置:主頁(yè) > 管理論文 > 物流管理論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-07-13 21:48
[Abstract]:With the popularization of the Internet, the development of network technology and the improvement of people's living standard, the electronic commerce of our country develops vigorously, the market scale expands constantly, but the electronic commerce industry of our country is not mature yet. Counterpart professional talent is not many factors, most enterprises are not yet able to profit. Taking O _ 2O as an example to represent Su Ning cloud quotient, this paper makes a detailed analysis of its profit model, in order to put forward some reasonable suggestions on the profit mode and management strategy of the company, so as to provide reference for other enterprises. This paper uses the method of literature research and comparative analysis to analyze the profit model of Su Ning cloud business. In this part, the origin, definition, classification and components of profit model are described in detail. Secondly, the paper makes a detailed analysis of the components of Su Ning cloud business profit model and related financial indicators, and selects competitors JingDong Mall and Gome to make a comparative analysis from the component elements of the profit model. This paper analyzes some serious problems existing in the Su Ning cloud business profit model, and then analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the Su Ning cloud business profit model in the industry competition. Finally, the paper puts forward some effective measures to improve the profit model of Su Ning cloud merchants in order to help the development of Su Ning cloud merchants. Through the research, it is found that there are some problems that affect the development of enterprises and need to be solved timely in the profitability of Su Ning cloud business, online and offline business and logistics. In terms of profitability, the decline in Su Ning profitability is mainly due to the fact that Su Ning did not have a strong competitive advantage in e-commerce at the beginning of the transition period, and the main reason for the decline was that in the early stage of the transition, Su Ning did not have a strong competitive advantage in the field of e-commerce. It is also due to the tilt of online business that the advantage of Su Ning offline physical stores has been weakened to a certain extent, and the multi-domain operation has increased the operating costs and other factors. To implement the differentiated brand strategy to meet the individual needs of consumers; to consolidate the market share of the main business by using the advantages of offline physical stores; to develop the emerging market of the main business from the rural and overseas markets; Through cooperation to consolidate the line of physical stores operating income, in order to reverse the decline in profit levels. The problems of online and offline services include: the conflict of the two services, the discomfort of the way of traffic brought in, the low share of online, the lack of good user experience and so on. Through the line drainage line, enhance the supply chain flexible production capacity; create a new offline customer experience mode to achieve the purpose of improving operation management and customer management. The problems of logistics include transportation, distribution, infrastructure construction, resource distribution and logistics center location. Improve the logistics distribution information system; attach importance to the cultivation of logistics personnel and infrastructure construction; optimize the end of the network; scientifically select the location of logistics distribution center.


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