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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-10 10:39

  本文選題:物流公共信息 + 物流管理; 參考:《電子科技大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, with the rapid economic growth of our country, especially the popularity of Internet e-commerce in recent years, the level of logistics management to enterprises, society, and the country has become a new growth point of profit. It is also an important foundation for national economic development. At present, although China's logistics industry has developed rapidly and a number of typical logistics enterprises have been born, it is far from being far from social demand, especially the problems of information opacity, information closure, price deformities between supply and demand sides of logistics, and so on. The construction of various logistics information platforms is relatively isolated, fighting on their own, and the barriers are serious, which lead to many universal problems, and both owners and owners are not satisfied. The function of logistics information platform is weak, the social effect is extremely limited. This paper first introduces the technical route, system architecture, design principle and the source and basis of matching method of the logistics information platform which is built according to the current situation of logistics industry. The present situation of research and application of various matching methods in logistics industry is analyzed synthetically, which makes clear the feasibility and innovation for the system realization and practical significance of this paper. This paper combines the theoretical knowledge of logistics management, software engineering, Internet of things technology and so on, summarizes the advantages of matching algorithms involved by the predecessors, and innovatively proposes a method of source vehicle source matching suitable for the purpose of this paper. The algorithm is saved for use by later researchers. According to the business requirements, the system is designed as three layers architecture, namely, front desk, middle platform and background service. The development tool adopts Struts2 for MyEclipse Web application framework and MyBatis3 for persistence layer. Application service integration uses RestFul format, data persistence layer operation using JDBC, MySQL free database. A simple, shared and easy to use Internet portal platform is developed with Java development language to realize the collection and release of cargo transportation resources, transportation vehicle resource information, intelligent matchmaking and performance monitoring. It can effectively solve many problems in logistics market, improve the efficiency of logistics management, enhance customer satisfaction, reduce the operating cost of logistics industry, and construct an interconnected and win-win logistics ecological chain. Through the research of this paper, it is shown that, making full use of mobile Internet and information related means, making reasonable matching rules and algorithms, matching perfect business management process and credit system, It can effectively solve the related problems in the process of logistics transportation, so as to reduce the cost of logistics transportation and improve the efficiency of social logistics operation.


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