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  本文關鍵詞:伸縮結構在產品設計中的應用研究 出處:《北京理工大學》2015年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: 伸縮結構 移動結構 產品造型 產品使用

[Abstract]:In the product design, the appearance of beauty is often the product structure to establish a reliable easy to use and safe. The telescopic structure analysis and study in this paper products, and then compare the telescopic structure in product design, and through the analysis to structure form, through the material, mechanism and mode of operation to reflect the characteristics of shape design, which utilizes the relevant principle of telescopic structure inspired design, bring high quality to the user experience, outstanding product design. A design for the people the life brought the convenience and progress of products, designers need to meet the functional requirements of products at the same time, consider whether for people on the structure, whether to ensure the safety in the process of using, is easy to clean, after use, maintenance, disassembly, reinstall the operation, whether it is beneficial to prolong the service life of the product, whether can meet At the same time to reach the purpose of saving the cost and so on. Therefore, the same is to achieve a function of different structures can cause the product appearance and user experience of the huge difference. Product structure from the perspective of physical form or function is divided into many types and the telescopic structure is a branch of product structure types now, the telescopic structure is widely used in product design, from either the function or the cost or form level, has its irreplaceable side. And discusses the further development of the flexible structure, we can better understand the function of the product of product structure, form and meaning, will understand specifically, the structure of the product framework. In this thesis, firstly, basic features of the telescopic structure is analyzed. Including the definition of the telescopic structure in the narrow sense and broad sense, The definition also covers many cross disciplines; on movement characteristics of the telescopic structure described in qualitative and quantitative. Secondly, relevance research on telescopic structure structure with the shape and function of the product, through the analysis of the trajectory of product expansion to analyze product movement form and to use the product to control or operation focuses on the analysis of characteristics and requirements, design form the product of telescopic structure. Then analysis of functional elements in the product from the telescopic structure function setting angle, the development process of telescopic structure system is the product to better meet the needs of the people. We conduct in-depth analysis of the main functional elements, to deepen the expansion understanding, so as to further enhance the flexibility in the use of a telescopic structure in the design. Finally, I combined the telescopic structure in the study of space expansion function The product design practice is completed by the comprehensive consideration of the factors such as the human needs and the way of use.



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