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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-01 16:06

  本文選題:建筑行業(yè) + 誠信研究。 參考:《內(nèi)蒙古大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

【摘要】:在地方經(jīng)濟(jì)飛速發(fā)展的三十年多年中始終離不開工程項(xiàng)目建設(shè)的身影,建筑行業(yè)迅猛發(fā)展帶來十分普遍的誠信缺失現(xiàn)象,如項(xiàng)目審批監(jiān)管不嚴(yán)、招投標(biāo)弄虛作假、建設(shè)單位長期拖欠工程款等,導(dǎo)致質(zhì)量安全問題頻發(fā),大量建設(shè)資金流入灰色地帶,高價(jià)低質(zhì)工程屢屢出現(xiàn),各個(gè)環(huán)節(jié)腐敗驚人。中央政府建設(shè)建筑行業(yè)誠信信息平臺,旨在解決建筑行業(yè)不誠信行為帶來的建筑市場秩序紊亂、社會影響惡劣、經(jīng)濟(jì)損失和嚴(yán)重浪費(fèi),意圖從制度上改善目前建筑行業(yè)失信多發(fā)、腐敗叢生的問題。本文首先回顧了建筑行業(yè)誠信體系發(fā)展歷程,介紹建筑行業(yè)的主體和客體,查找出建筑行業(yè)誠信體系影響因素和特征;其次描述了 S區(qū)建筑行業(yè)誠信監(jiān)管現(xiàn)狀和問題,提出建筑主體和行政監(jiān)管部門的信用缺失以及建筑行業(yè)誠信體系制度存在的問題;然后提出完善S區(qū)政府監(jiān)管建筑行業(yè)誠信體系的對策,試圖從完善S區(qū)建筑主體信用建設(shè)、切實(shí)轉(zhuǎn)變政府職能、改善政府監(jiān)督管理水平、加大力度懲治腐敗、完善誠信體系制度建設(shè)5個(gè)方面為地方政府在工程項(xiàng)目建設(shè)中提供誠信體系監(jiān)督管理的優(yōu)化策略。
[Abstract]:The rapid development of local economy in more than 30 years has always been inseparable from the figure of project construction, the rapid development of the construction industry has brought about a very common lack of integrity, such as project approval and supervision is not strict, bidding fraud, The construction unit is in arrears for a long time, which leads to frequent problems of quality and safety, a large number of construction funds flow into the grey area, high prices and low quality projects appear frequently, and corruption in every link is astonishing. The central government has built an information platform for the integrity of the construction industry in order to solve the disorder in the construction market caused by dishonesty in the construction industry, the adverse social impact, economic losses and serious waste. Intent from the system to improve the current construction industry, the problem of frequent dishonesty, corruption. This paper first reviews the development of the construction industry integrity system, introduces the subject and object of the construction industry, finds out the factors and characteristics of the construction industry integrity system, and then describes the current situation and problems of the construction industry integrity supervision in S area. The paper points out the credit deficiency of the construction subject and administrative supervision department and the problems existing in the credit system of the construction industry, and then puts forward the countermeasures to perfect the credit system of the construction industry in the S district government, and attempts to perfect the credit construction of the construction subject in the S area. Five aspects, such as changing the government function, improving the level of government supervision and management, strengthening the punishment of corruption and perfecting the system construction of honesty system, provide the optimized strategies for the local government to supervise and manage the integrity system in the construction of engineering projects.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前5條

1 ;上海行業(yè)黨委“三強(qiáng)三促”大力提升行業(yè)誠信文化建設(shè)水平[J];中國注冊會計(jì)師;2013年08期

2 鄂t,




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