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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-31 11:20

  本文選題:規(guī)模工業(yè)企業(yè) + 因子分析; 參考:《遼寧工程技術(shù)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the gradual deepening of the process of transformation, Fuxin's industrial economy has already experienced remarkable growth, with coal mining, electric heating supply, metal processing as the original basis, agricultural and auxiliary food processing as the main emerging force, and universal equipment. Fur products are followed by a group of industrial enterprises, but the disadvantages of high investment and low return, low technology content and single economic structure still exist. Since industrial enterprises above the scale account for a large proportion of the industry and represent the overall development trend of the industry, it is necessary to optimize the control of the resource structure of the industrial enterprises. It is necessary to systematically analyze the development of industrial enterprises above scale in order to find out the rules and problems in their development. This paper studies the economic development operation and factor allocation of industrial enterprises above the scale of Fuxin. The study adopts the research structure of current situation analysis, factor modeling, data envelopment measure and factor allocation analysis, based on economic benefit analysis, with total factor productivity measure and factor allocation analysis as the emphasis. Explore the development characteristics and shortcomings of industrial enterprises above the scale of Fuxin. The research mainly includes the following parts: 1) analyzing and studying the development and operation status of the industrial enterprises above the scale of Fuxin. (2) applying the R type factor model, using the TOWA operator quadratic weighting, This paper makes a dynamic comprehensive evaluation of the economic benefits of the industrial industries above the scale of Fuxin in 2009-2014. It uses the Malmquist exponential decomposition method based on the data envelopment BCC model to calculate the change level of the total factor productivity of the industry above the scale of Fuxin in 2009-2014. To find out the technical motivation of the change of industry total factor productivity, and the cause of the difference in the growth of total factor productivity of light and heavy industries.) using the method of constructing model, data induction, difference and correlation analysis, This paper analyzes the capital allocation efficiency, talent allocation system and technological innovation ability level in the development of industrial enterprises above the scale of Fuxin in 2009-2014. Through the research, we know that the development scale and the economic benefit level of the industrial industry above the scale of Fuxin have the gradation, the technological progress is the main motive force of the TFP growth, the difference of the scale efficiency index is the reason of the difference of the TFP growth in the light and heavy industry; The capital allocation efficiency of industrial industries above scale is in the middle and low level, and the formulation and implementation of spontaneous investment policies are somewhat blind, while the allocation of technical personnel system and the ability level of technological innovation are out of balance in the industry. In theory, the research can perfect the research system of the industrial enterprise development above the scale of the resource transition city, and in practice, it can provide the basis and reference for the future development of the industrial enterprise of the city in the transition city and the decision of the relevant department of the government. In order to guide the timely and sustainable development of industrial enterprises and strengthen the development of industrial enterprises above Fuxin scale.


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