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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-30 13:33

  本文選題:智能汽車 + 產業(yè)競爭力; 參考:《工業(yè)工程與管理》2017年05期

【摘要】:為探索中國智能汽車產業(yè)競爭力形成機理動態(tài)演進規(guī)律,科學引導、合理調控智能汽車產業(yè)的快速健康發(fā)展,首先構建了中國智能汽車產業(yè)競爭力評價指標體系,然后采用PLS法(Partial Least Square)建立了智能汽車產業(yè)競爭力評價模型,最后,借助相關資料和調研對2012~2015年間中國智能汽車產業(yè)各競爭要素重要程度的變化趨勢進行了分析。研究發(fā)現,專業(yè)水平低、成本控制能力較弱、產業(yè)布局不夠完善、基礎配套設施落后等是中國智能汽車產業(yè)競爭力不強的主要原因,進而提出了提升中國智能汽車產業(yè)競爭力應加速技術進步和產品迭代、增強智能成本控制能力、完善產業(yè)布局和智庫建設、推動兼管立法和車聯網的發(fā)展、進行大規(guī);A設施建設等建議。
[Abstract]:In order to explore the dynamic evolution law of the competitive power of China's intelligent automobile industry, scientifically guide and regulate the rapid and healthy development of the intelligent automobile industry, the evaluation index system of the competitiveness of China's intelligent automobile industry is first constructed. Then, a competitive evaluation model of intelligent automobile industry is established by using PLS partial Least square.Finally, the trend of the importance of competitive factors in China's intelligent automobile industry during the period of 2012 to 2015 is analyzed with the help of relevant data and research. It is found that low professional level, weak cost control ability, imperfect industrial layout and backward basic facilities are the main reasons for the weak competitiveness of China's intelligent automobile industry. Furthermore, it is pointed out that in order to enhance the competitiveness of China's intelligent automobile industry, we should speed up technological progress and product iteration, enhance the ability of intelligent cost control, improve the industrial layout and the construction of think tanks, and promote the development of both legislation and networking. Carry out large-scale infrastructure construction and other proposals.
【作者單位】: 上海大學管理學院;同濟大學經濟與管理學院;
【基金】:中國博士后科學基金資助面上項目(2016M601565) 上海市軟科學研究計劃項目(16692180802) 上海市軟件科學研究計劃項目(17692103800)


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