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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-30 09:28

  本文選題:經(jīng)濟增加值 + 績效評價; 參考:《首都經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Economic value added (EVA) index was introduced into China by Stenster Company in the 1990s. After decades of research, application and popularization, it has gradually developed from pure theoretical research to a combination of practice and research. At present, the SASAC carries out the EVA examination in the central enterprise, our country enterprise will enter the EVA management era gradually. The theory of EVA comes from the United States, which is more suitable for the perfect capital market, but our country, as a developing country, the capital market starts relatively late. At present, whether the EVA performance appraisal system can effectively play its role and promote the sustainable and healthy development of enterprises remains to be further studied. Under this background, this paper takes R Building Materials Science and Technology Company as the research object, studies the effectiveness of using EVA index to evaluate the enterprise performance. The research results are as follows: 1. The EVA performance evaluation system can reflect the management performance more truthfully and lead the management to make scientific decision. At the same time, the performance evaluation system of EVA has more incentive effect on management. It is helpful for enterprises to improve their core competitiveness and encourage enterprises to develop new products. The performance evaluation index of EVA is still the financial index for the long-term development of the enterprise in the future. It must be combined with other performance appraisal methods in order to evaluate the production and management situation of the enterprise comprehensively and dynamically.


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2 袁秋辰;中央企業(yè)實施經(jīng)濟增加值指標的有效性研究[D];安徽大學;2012年

3 羅紅梅;EVA與上市央企企業(yè)價值的相關性研究[D];首都經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易大學;2010年





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