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發(fā)布時間:2019-03-31 13:26
【摘要】:2001年12月11日,中國正式加入世界貿(mào)易組織,成為第143個成員國。入世后的十多年里,中國經(jīng)濟不僅步入高速發(fā)展的快車道,同時加強了與世界經(jīng)濟和貿(mào)易體系的銜接,各領域的國際化進程都得到不同程度的發(fā)展。2013年,中國經(jīng)濟增長總量以8.3萬億美元位居世界排名第二位。目前,中國已經(jīng)成為了全球第二大經(jīng)濟體、世界第一大出口國和第二大進口國,尤其是2013年中國貿(mào)易總額首次突破四萬億美元,超越美國成為全球最大貿(mào)易國引發(fā)強烈關注。 然而,加入世貿(mào)組織為中國帶來的不只是發(fā)展機遇,同時也使各行業(yè)面臨挑戰(zhàn)。就銀行金融業(yè)來說,2006年按照入世承諾約定,我國取消對外資銀行的地域限制,銀行業(yè)全面對外開放,中資銀行面臨嚴峻挑戰(zhàn)。身處世界經(jīng)濟一體化的大潮之中,2008年世界金融危機對中國經(jīng)濟影響頗大。因此,面對國內(nèi)外機遇與挑戰(zhàn)并存的局勢,中國銀行業(yè)的國際化道路要取得更好發(fā)展,必須深入研究國內(nèi)現(xiàn)狀及國際趨勢,以便為進一步的發(fā)展提供構思和建議。 對于我國商業(yè)銀行國際化發(fā)展,國內(nèi)許多學者已經(jīng)從宏觀或者微觀角度都進行了有益的探究,取得了一定成果。但總的說來,這些研究主要是從經(jīng)濟學的角度進行的,而從法學的角度對我國商業(yè)銀行國際化發(fā)展的探討略顯不足。因此,本文通過研究WTO規(guī)則,結合我國銀行業(yè)現(xiàn)狀,尤其是中國商業(yè)銀行相關法律現(xiàn)狀,并在總結國內(nèi)外先進經(jīng)驗的基礎上,提出關于我國商業(yè)銀行在WTO框架下如何走出一條國際化發(fā)展道路的設計構想。 本文共包含四個章節(jié),通過綜合比較的方法,初步研究和探討了中國銀行業(yè)國際化發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略。第一章簡要探討了中國商業(yè)銀行法律體系,主要介紹了商業(yè)銀行法律規(guī)范,從特點和不足之處對我國商業(yè)銀行法律問題進行簡要分析。第二章是關于WTO金融服務貿(mào)易法律制度的研究,本章詳細闡述了世貿(mào)組織的介紹、WTO金融服務貿(mào)易規(guī)則及其法律制度理論分析、我國入世關于銀行業(yè)的服務承諾。第三章探討了WTO對我國商業(yè)銀行國際化帶來的影響,具體包括國內(nèi)銀行業(yè)發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀、加入WTO帶來的機遇與挑戰(zhàn)。第四章初步探討了我國銀行業(yè)國際化發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略,主要從銀行法律的完善、銀行自身競爭力的提升、健全金融監(jiān)管機制及WTO規(guī)則與爭端解決機制的操作四個方面提出相關建議。筆者的水平有限,研究尚淺,但希望能為我國銀行業(yè)的國際化發(fā)展貢獻自己的微薄之力。
[Abstract]:December 11, 2001, China formally joined the World Trade Organization, becoming the 143rd member. In the more than ten years since China's entry into WTO, China's economy has not only entered the fast track of high-speed development, but also strengthened its connection with the world economy and trade system. The internationalization process in various fields has been developed to varying degrees in 2013. China's total economic growth was ranked second in the world with $8.3 trillion. At present, China has become the world's second-largest economy, the world's largest exporter and second-largest importer, especially in 2013, China's total trade volume exceeded $4 trillion for the first time, surpassing the United States as the world's largest trading country has attracted strong attention. However, China's accession to the WTO is not only an opportunity for development, but also a challenge for various industries. As far as banking industry is concerned, according to the promise of China's entry into WTO in 2006, China has lifted the regional restrictions on foreign banks and opened the banking industry to the outside world in an all-round way. Chinese banks are facing severe challenges. In the tide of world economic integration, the 2008 world financial crisis has a great impact on China's economy. Therefore, in the face of the coexistence of opportunities and challenges at home and abroad, in order to achieve better development in the internationalization of China's banking industry, it is necessary to deeply study the domestic present situation and international trends, in order to provide ideas and suggestions for the further development of China's banking industry. For the internationalization development of Chinese commercial banks, many domestic scholars have made a useful inquiry from the macro-or micro-angle, and have achieved some achievements. However, in general, these studies are mainly carried out from the perspective of economics, but from the perspective of law, the discussion on the internationalization of commercial banks in China is slightly inadequate. Therefore, through the study of WTO rules, combined with the current situation of China's banking industry, especially the relevant legal status of China's commercial banks, and on the basis of summarizing the advanced experience at home and abroad, This paper puts forward the design conception of how to get out of an internationalized development road for Chinese commercial banks under the framework of WTO. This paper consists of four chapters. Through the method of comprehensive comparison, this paper studies and discusses the internationalization development strategy of China's banking industry. The first chapter briefly discusses the legal system of Chinese commercial banks, mainly introduces the legal norms of commercial banks, and analyzes the legal problems of Chinese commercial banks from the characteristics and shortcomings. The second chapter is about the study of the legal system of WTO financial service trade. This chapter elaborates the introduction of WTO, the rules of WTO financial service trade and the theoretical analysis of its legal system, and the service promise of China's WTO. The third chapter discusses the impact of WTO on the internationalization of China's commercial banks, including the current situation of domestic banking development, the opportunities and challenges brought by China's entry into WTO. The fourth chapter discusses the internationalization development strategy of China's banking industry, mainly from four aspects: the perfection of the banking law, the improvement of the competitiveness of the bank itself, the improvement of the financial supervision mechanism and the operation of the WTO rules and the dispute settlement mechanism. The author's level is limited and the research is still shallow, but he hopes to contribute his own meagre strength to the internationalization development of China's banking industry.


相關期刊論文 前3條

1 何焰;金融全球化與國際金融法——兼論中國金融法治之因應[J];世界經(jīng)濟與政治;2003年09期

2 譚金可;葉娟;;金融混業(yè)經(jīng)營與金融監(jiān)管法制變革[J];溫州大學學報(自然科學版);2009年01期

3 謝暉;;論規(guī)范分析方法[J];中國法學;2009年02期





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