

發(fā)布時間:2018-02-26 03:00

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 炎癥性腸病 潰瘍性結(jié)腸炎 克羅恩病 慢性腹瀉 谷氨酰胺轉(zhuǎn)移酶抗體 Dectin-1受體 出處:《山西醫(yī)科大學》2014年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

【摘要】:背景炎癥性腸。╥nflammatory bowel disease,IBD)是一組病因尚不十分清楚的慢性非特異性腸道炎癥性疾病,包括潰瘍性結(jié)腸炎(UC)和克羅恩病(CD),F(xiàn)病因不清,可能為免疫紊亂所致,近年來我國IBD患者逐漸增加[1]。乳糜瀉(celiac disease)是一種以腹瀉為主要臨床表現(xiàn)的由于攝入麥膠蛋白誘發(fā)的、具有遺傳易感性的常見炎癥性腸病,且常合并自身免疫性疾病[2],亦嚴重影響病人健康。近年研究表明乳糜瀉在全世界范圍內(nèi)均有分布,我國相關(guān)研究尚少。腸道中存在大量固有真菌,參與腸道炎癥反應(yīng)。Dectin-1受體是識別真菌的主要受體,其表達與IBD發(fā)病機制的關(guān)系尚待研究。 研究目的檢測乳糜瀉特異性抗體組織型谷氨酰胺轉(zhuǎn)移酶抗體(tTG)IgA及IgG,Dectin-1受體及抗中性粒細胞胞漿抗體(p-ANCA)、抗釀酒酵母抗體(ASCA)在IBD患者、慢性腹瀉患者及同期健康對照者(Health control,HC)外周血中的檢出情況,并分析其可能相關(guān)性。 病例與方法 1.乳糜瀉特異性抗體的檢測及臨床分析 1.1按中國炎癥性腸病診斷治療規(guī)范的共識意見選取我院住院及門診確診的炎癥性腸。↖BD)患者115例,慢性腹瀉患者112例及同期健康體檢者95例。采集各組成員的外周靜脈血4ml,,離心取血清備用。 1.2采用ELISA法對各組成員進行外周血清tTGIgA、tTGIgG抗體檢測,分析陽性患者的臨床特征。 2. Dectin-1受體檢測及臨床分析 2.1Dectin-1受體檢測中IBD組為101例,余組與前相同。采集各組成員的外周靜脈血4ml,離心取血清備用。 2.2采用ELISA法檢測外周血清中的Dectin-1受體表達情況。 結(jié)果 1.乳糜瀉特異性抗體檢測及臨床分析 IBD組血清tTGIg陽性率為5.22%(6/115),慢性腹瀉組為5.36%(6/112),對照組為3.16%(3/95)。有腹瀉癥狀(IBD及慢性腹瀉組)患病率為5.29%(12/227)。 2. Dectin-1受體檢測及臨床分析 IBD組、慢性腹瀉組及健康對照組間Dectin-1異常表達率分別為79.20%(80/101),80.35%(90/112),34.74%(3/95),2=59.44,P<0.05。IBD組及慢性腹瀉組Dectin-1的表達水平均明顯低于健康對照組,但IBD組與慢性腹瀉組間無明顯差別。 p-ANCA、ASCA陰性UC患者的Dectin-1異常表達率分別為86.0%(43/50)、79.22%(61/77),p-ANCA、ASCA陰性CD患者的Dectin-1異常表達率均為66.67%(14/21),p-ANCA陽性UC患者的Dectin-1異常表達率為66.67%(20/30),ASCA陽性UC患者的Dectin-1異常表達率為100%(3/3)。提示Dectin-1與傳統(tǒng)的炎癥性腸病血清學檢測對診斷IBD(特別是CD)可能有一定的互補性。 Dectin-1的異常表達與UC嚴重程度相關(guān)性分析,r,=-0.035,P=0.752。與CD的嚴重程度相關(guān)性分析,r,=-0.093,P=0.687。 結(jié)論 1.本研究結(jié)果提示在IBD、慢性腹瀉患者中乳糜瀉檢出率為5.29%(12/227),高于正常對照組3.16%(3/95),表明IBD、慢性腹瀉患者中同時患乳糜瀉的幾率較高,臨床診療中應(yīng)給以高度重視。 2.與正常健康對照組相較,IBD、慢性腹瀉組Dectin-1受體表達水平下降,推測Dectin-1受體可能與部分IBD及慢性腹瀉的發(fā)生、發(fā)展有相關(guān)性。值得注意的是Dectin-1受體的異常改變可能與傳統(tǒng)的炎癥性腸病血清學檢測指標有互補關(guān)系,但與IBD的嚴重程度無關(guān)。
[Abstract]:Background: inflammatory bowel disease (inflammatory bowel, disease, IBD) is a group of unknown etiology of chronic nonspecific intestinal inflammatory disease, including ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD). The etiology is not clear, may be caused by immune dysfunction, in recent years, Chinese IBD patients increased [1]. in celiac disease (celiac disease) is a kind of expression with diarrhea as the main clinical due to ingestion of gliadin induced, with genetic susceptibility to common inflammatory bowel disease, which is usually associated with autoimmune diseases, [2], also seriously affect the health of the patients. In recent years research shows that celiac disease worldwidewere distributed, related research in China is small. There are a lot of natural fungi in the gut, intestinal inflammation in.Dectin-1 receptor is the major receptor recognition of fungi, the relationship between the expression and the pathogenesis of IBD remains to be investigated.
Objective: to detect the celiac disease specific antibody of tissue transglutaminase antibody (tTG) IgA and IgG, Dectin-1 receptor and anti neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (p-ANCA), anti Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody (ASCA) in patients with IBD, chronic diarrhea patients and healthy controls (Health, control, HC) detection of peripheral in the blood, and to analyze the possible correlation.
Cases and methods
1. detection and clinical analysis of specific antibodies against celiac disease
1.1, according to the consensus of diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory bowel disease in China, 115 cases of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) diagnosed in our hospital and 112 cases of chronic diarrhea and 95 cases of healthy persons in the same period were selected. The peripheral venous blood 4ml of each group was collected, and the serum was centrifuged.
1.2 the serum tTGIgA and tTGIgG antibodies were detected by ELISA, and the clinical characteristics of the positive patients were analyzed.
Detection and clinical analysis of 2. Dectin-1 receptor
In the detection of 2.1Dectin-1 receptor, group IBD was 101, and the remaining group was the same as before. The peripheral venous blood of the members of each group was collected and 4ml was collected by centrifugation.
2.2 the expression of Dectin-1 receptor in peripheral serum was detected by ELISA method.
1. specific antibody detection and clinical analysis of celiac disease
The positive rate of serum tTGIg in group IBD was 5.22% (6/115), chronic diarrhea group was 5.36% (6/112), and the control group was 3.16% (3/95). The prevalence of diarrhea symptoms (IBD and chronic diarrhea group) was 5.29% (12/227).
Detection and clinical analysis of 2. Dectin-1 receptor
IBD group, chronic diarrhea group and healthy control group between the abnormal expression rate of Dectin-1 was 79.20% (80/101), 80.35% (90/112), 34.74% (3/95), 2=59.44, the expression level of P < 0.05.IBD group and chronic diarrhea group Dectin-1 were significantly lower than the healthy control group, but IBD group and chronic diarrhea was not significantly different between.
P-ANCA, ASCA negative patients with UC abnormal expression rate of Dectin-1 was 86% (43/50), 79.22% (61/77), p-ANCA, ASCA negative patients with CD abnormal expression rate of Dectin-1 was 66.67% (14/21), p-ANCA positive patients with UC abnormal expression rate of Dectin-1 was 66.67% (20/30), ASCA positive UC patients with abnormal expression of Dectin-1 the rate was 100% (3/3). Dectin-1 with the traditional IBD serological test for the diagnosis of IBD (especially CD) may have a certain complementarity.
Correlation analysis of abnormal expression of Dectin-1 and UC severity, correlation analysis of severity of R, =-0.035, P=0.752. and CD, R, =-0.093, P=0.687.
1., the results of this study suggest that in IBD, the detection rate of chylous disease in chronic diarrhea patients is 5.29% (12/227), which is higher than that in the normal control group 3.16% (3/95), indicating that IBD has a higher risk of celiac disease in patients with chronic diarrhea, and should be highly regarded in clinical diagnosis and treatment.
And 2. normal healthy control group compared to IBD, the expression level of Dectin-1 receptor in chronic diarrhea group decreased, suggesting that Dectin-1 receptors may be associated with IBD and chronic diarrhea occurs, there is a correlation between the development. It is worth noting that the abnormal changes of Dectin-1 receptor may have a complementary relationship with the detection of serological indicator of inflammatory bowel disease traditional, but with the severity of IBD has nothing to do.



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