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發(fā)布時間:2019-07-09 08:26
【摘要】:目的調(diào)查389例兒童手足口病例腸道病毒(EV71)和柯薩奇病毒A組16型(CA16)感染情況,為手足口病的防控提供指導(dǎo)。方法以2016年河南省鄭州兒童醫(yī)院確診的582例手足口病患兒為研究對象,收集患兒咽拭子、肛拭子和糞便標(biāo)本,對EV71、CA16以及腸道病毒通用型(EV-G)進(jìn)行特異性核酸檢測,對手足口病患者的流行特征進(jìn)行描述性分析。結(jié)果 582例手足口病病例中腸道病毒陽性389例,其中EV71感染119例,占30.59%,CA16感染83例,占21.34%;其他腸道病毒感染187例,占48.07%。春、夏、秋、冬四季手足口病病例數(shù)分別為154、79、65和91例,其中EV71感染致手足口病病例數(shù)分別為47、24、16和32例,CA16感染病例數(shù)分別為31、16、13和23例。6月齡患兒110例,EV71、CA16及其他腸道病毒致手足口病例數(shù)分別為31、16和63例;12月齡患兒201例,病例數(shù)分別為60、43和98例;2436月齡患兒78例,病例數(shù)分別為28、24和26例。男性患兒217例,占55.78%,女性患兒172例,占44.22%。幼托兒童、散居兒童及其他兒童腸道病毒感染病例數(shù)分別為297、59和33例,EV71感染分別為84、27和8例,CA16感染分別為53、19和11例,其他腸道病毒感染分別為160、13和14例。結(jié)論手足口病患兒感染腸道病毒類型以EV71型為主,春季為腸道病毒感染高峰期,1224月齡男童為高發(fā)人群;兒童聚集環(huán)境應(yīng)及時通風(fēng)消毒等,控制病毒傳播。
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the infection of enterovirus (EV71) and coxsackievirus group A 16 (CA16) in 389 children with hand, foot and mouth disease, and to provide guidance for the prevention and control of HFMD. Methods 582 children with HFMD diagnosed in Zhengzhou Children's Hospital of Henan Province in 2016 were studied. Pharynx swabs, anal swabs and feces were collected. EV71,CA16 and enterovirus universal type (EV-G) were detected by specific nucleic acid, and the epidemic characteristics of patients with hand, foot and mouth disease were analyzed. Results among 582 cases of HFMD, 389 cases were positive for enterovirus, including 119 cases (30.59%) with EV71 infection, 83 cases (21.34%) with CA16 infection, and 187 cases (48.07%) with other enterovirus infections. The number of cases of HFMD caused by EV71 infection was 47, 24, 16 and 32, respectively, and the number of cases of CA16 infection was 31, 16, 13 and 23, respectively. 110 cases of HFMD caused by EV71,CA16 and other enterovirus were 31 cases, 16 cases and 63 cases in 6 months old children, 6043 cases and 98 cases in 12 months old children, 78 cases in 2436 months old children, 31 cases in 6 months old children, 61 cases and 63 cases in EV71,CA16 and other enterovirus cases, 6043 cases and 98 cases in 12 months old children, and 78 cases in 2436 months old children. There were 217 male children (55.78%) and 172 female children (44.22%). The number of cases of enterovirus infection, EV71 infection, CA16 infection and other enterovirus infections in young children, diasporic children and other children were 29.7, 59 and 33, 84, 27 and 8, 53, 19 and 11, respectively, and those of other enterovirus infections were 160, 13 and 14, respectively. the number of enterovirus infections in young children, diasporic children and other children was 287, 59 and 33, 84, 27 and 8, 53, 19 and 11, respectively. Conclusion EV 71 is the main type of enterovirus infection in children with HFMD, the peak period of enterovirus infection is in spring, and boys of 1224 months old are the high incidence population, and the gathering environment of children should be ventilated and sterilized in time to control the transmission of the virus.
【作者單位】: 鄭州兒童醫(yī)院康復(fù)中心;河南省疾病預(yù)防控制中心;




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