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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-08-06 17:51
[Abstract]:For the research and excavation of post modernist architectural decoration design, we are in the process of exploring and trying, and its design concept is well worth the reference of modern designers. This article from the formation of postmodernism, the essential characteristics of development to the personality fashion of postmodernist architectural decoration, traditional modern and other aspects, and clarifies the post modernism. The inevitable connection between the generation of the modern style and the modern fashion culture is formed, and the modern aesthetic trend of thought of the reversion tradition and multiple symbiosis is formed, thus understanding the true connotation of the postmodernist aesthetic thought and its influence and effect on the modern architectural decoration design, and creating conditions for the systematic study of the modern architectural decoration.
【作者單位】: 紹興文理學(xué)院美術(shù)學(xué)院


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