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發(fā)布時間:2018-08-06 17:17
[Abstract]:Art and culture have no national boundaries, and the cultures and arts of all nations all over the world are the common wealth of human beings. Drawing on the cultural and artistic accumulation outside our country and integrating the essence of Chinese culture of five thousand years into our own painting, we can form a unique style of painting art. The paintings of Austrian painter Klimt and Chinese painter Ding Shaoguang, from different countries and different ethnic backgrounds, have brought people a feeling of familiarity and strangeness, as well as of deja vu and freshness. This article takes the art history and the comparative study as the research method, carries on the analysis, the comparison and the research to the Klimt and the Ding Shaoguang decorative painting, has obtained some new research results, for us to understand the Chinese and foreign cultural difference, The integration of Chinese and Western art provides a good reference and basis. Decorative painting and modern heavy painting are no strangers to modern people who like painting. In life, decorative paintings are hung on the walls of many families or hotels, especially those of Klimt and Ding Shaoguang. Art is famous for its unique decorative style and has reached a very high level, which has been loved and collected by many collectors and the United Nations all over the world. Ding Shaoguang's art has the charisma of transcendental space and time. The Chinese traditional iron line drawing, which is full of prosody, is integrated with the colorful western modern color, and it combines the artistic styles of different nationalities and different cultures. The artistic theory of "one root and three combination" embodies the deep deposition of the Chinese traditional culture and combines the eastern and western art, modern and classical art, abstract and concrete art. It absorbs the "beauty" of the essence of culture and art of various nationalities, and draws out the typical painting art which can represent the characteristics of Chinese culture and art, which gives people a kind of intimate and mysterious aesthetic feeling and a picture full of ideal brilliance.


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