

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-08-04 08:53
【摘要】:城市歷史建筑的更新和再生以及新興建筑的困惑和發(fā)展是現(xiàn)今每座城市建筑發(fā)展過(guò)程中都會(huì)遇到的問(wèn)題。城市的歷史建筑包含的不僅是本國(guó)的傳統(tǒng)文化,更有歷史階段中融入的其他地區(qū)的文化特點(diǎn)。新興建筑的出現(xiàn)是時(shí)代的要求,,既要顯示出時(shí)代的特征,也要與當(dāng)?shù)靥赜械奈拿}風(fēng)貌進(jìn)行統(tǒng)一。這迫使設(shè)計(jì)師們?cè)谧非蠖辔幕诤辖ㄖc地域性建筑的文化背景下不斷摸索。 澳門的建筑在中西和古今的兩維體系中不斷交織融合,成為我國(guó)涵蓋建筑的風(fēng)格型制最多的城市之一。作為一座擁有特殊歷史的城市,它所呈現(xiàn)出來(lái)的特殊性及歷史價(jià)值不言而喻,如何保護(hù)這些建筑,并使其發(fā)揮出新的功能和作用,是城市發(fā)展中必須面對(duì)的一個(gè)議題;作為一座擁有獨(dú)特經(jīng)濟(jì)增長(zhǎng)形式的城市,它需要的新興建筑如何在滿足功能、經(jīng)濟(jì)的基礎(chǔ)上、與這些多文化融合下的歷史建筑形成互動(dòng),也是城市發(fā)展中必須面對(duì)的一個(gè)挑戰(zhàn)。 通過(guò)對(duì)澳門歷史建筑的從歷史、風(fēng)格、裝飾和文脈的層面進(jìn)行了系統(tǒng)的分析,第二、三章著重以歷史建筑的角度,從歷史發(fā)展和風(fēng)格變化兩個(gè)層面剖析了多文化融合下澳門建筑裝飾形態(tài)的特征;第四章從裝飾細(xì)部出發(fā),分析了澳門歷史建筑所包含的的中、西方裝飾形態(tài);第五章將文化移植的議題融入多文化融合型建筑,分析了文化移植的多種途徑對(duì)建筑帶來(lái)的影響;第六章再結(jié)合歷史建筑和新興建筑間的關(guān)系,闡述了保護(hù)和更新舊有建筑的相關(guān)方式,以及新興建筑在建造過(guò)程中遇到的一系列問(wèn)題,包括了新的風(fēng)格如何與舊有環(huán)境相適應(yīng)、新的建筑如何融入城市建筑文脈等新建筑建造面對(duì)的困惑。利用澳門當(dāng)?shù)氐囊恍┫嚓P(guān)建筑案例,從中借鑒和總結(jié)以往經(jīng)驗(yàn),歸納了新舊建筑如何和諧共存共生的方式,使歷史建筑得以保護(hù)和利用、新型建筑體現(xiàn)城市文脈和時(shí)代風(fēng)貌。
[Abstract]:The renewal and regeneration of urban historical buildings and the confusion and development of new buildings are the problems encountered in the development of every urban building nowadays. The historical architecture of the city contains not only the traditional culture of the country, but also the cultural characteristics of other regions incorporated in the historical stage. The emergence of new architecture is the requirement of the times, not only to show the characteristics of the times, but also to unify with the unique local context. This forces designers in the pursuit of multi-cultural integration of architecture and regional architecture under the cultural background of continuous exploration. The architecture of Macao has become one of the most stylistic cities in China. As a city with special history, its particularity and historical value are self-evident. How to protect these buildings and make them play a new function and function is an issue that must be faced in urban development. As a city with its unique form of economic growth, how to meet the needs of the new architecture on the basis of function and economy and interact with these historical buildings under the multi-cultural integration is also a challenge that must be faced in the development of the city. Through a systematic analysis of Macao's historical buildings from the aspects of history, style, decoration and context, the second and third chapters focus on the perspective of historical architecture. From the historical development and style change, this paper analyzes the characteristics of the decorative form of Macao architecture under the multi-cultural integration, the fourth chapter analyzes the decorative forms of the Chinese and western historical buildings in Macao from the perspective of decoration details. The fifth chapter combines the topic of cultural transplantation into multi-cultural fusion architecture, and analyzes the impact of various ways of cultural transplantation on architecture. Chapter VI combines the relationship between historical architecture and emerging architecture. This paper expounds the related ways of protecting and renewing old buildings, as well as a series of problems encountered in the process of building new buildings, including how the new style adapts to the old environment. How to integrate the new building into the city architecture context and other new building construction in the face of confusion. Based on some local construction cases in Macao, this paper sums up the way of how the old and the new buildings coexist harmoniously, so that the historical buildings can be protected and utilized, and the new architecture reflects the context of the city and the style of the times.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前8條

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