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發(fā)布時間:2018-08-03 21:28
【摘要】: 壁面裝飾材料是火災(zāi)中火勢蔓延的重要途徑,水霧是有效地火蔓延抑制手段。與自動噴水滅火系統(tǒng)相比,水噴霧系統(tǒng)水滴更小、比表面積大,單位時間內(nèi)吸收更多的熱量,具有滅火時間短及節(jié)約水的特點。而以往很少有水霧對壁面材料的滅火特性研究。本文將主要研究水霧水平方向抑制壁面裝飾材料火蔓延的情況,并選擇了兩種典型的壁面裝飾材料膠合板和壁面軟包材料聚氨脂軟質(zhì)海綿進(jìn)行研究。 分析了在壁面向上火蔓延的材料預(yù)熱區(qū)施加水霧的情況下,水霧的控火作用和滅火作用,理論分析了水霧對火焰從控火作用到滅火作用的轉(zhuǎn)變,得到了臨界水霧施加量的理論模型,以及影響控火作用的臨界水霧施加量的因素。在標(biāo)準(zhǔn)燃燒室內(nèi)進(jìn)行了模擬真實條件下,受限空間內(nèi)水霧對壁面材料的燃燒抑制作用實驗,得到了水霧施加在火焰預(yù)熱區(qū)時由控火作用轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)闇缁鹱饔玫呐R界水施加率。從理論上介紹了計算臨界水施加率的方法,并根據(jù)實驗情況進(jìn)行了推導(dǎo)計算,得到臨界水施加率。 在標(biāo)準(zhǔn)燃燒室內(nèi)進(jìn)行了在不同位置施加水霧對壁面材料火災(zāi)發(fā)展的影響的實驗研究,得到了不同噴射條件下分別在膠合板的預(yù)熱區(qū)和熱解區(qū)施加水霧時,壁面裝飾材料的熱釋放速率,CO濃度及溫度等參數(shù)。分析了水霧施加在膠合板預(yù)熱區(qū)和熱解區(qū)時流量對豎直火蔓延的影響規(guī)律。 由于火區(qū)阻力作用,粒徑在到達(dá)火焰面時需有足夠的初速度才有可能到達(dá)壁面,因此本文理論分析了霧滴水平運動時的粒徑與初速度對霧滴在空氣中的運動的影響,得到了不同尺寸與初速度的霧滴的極限距離,并分析了霧滴在水平穿越火焰區(qū)時粒徑的變化與時間及運行距離之間的關(guān)系。 根據(jù)水霧粒徑與速度的關(guān)系,可以把水霧的滅火作用分為氣相滅火作用與表面相滅火作用。理論分析了水霧水平方向作用于火焰與垂直作用于火焰區(qū)的區(qū)別,指出了當(dāng)水霧水平方向作用于壁面火時,其滅火作用以表面相滅火為主。并在標(biāo)準(zhǔn)燃燒室內(nèi)開展了對比實驗,對理論分析結(jié)果進(jìn)行了驗證。 開展了水霧對壁面軟包材料聚氨脂軟質(zhì)海綿的火蔓延抑制作用研究,分析了水霧作用于軟包裝修材料時水霧最小施加率的影響因素,實驗得到了軟包裝修中經(jīng)常采用的2cm厚的聚氨酯軟質(zhì)海綿滅火所需的最小水施加率。
[Abstract]:Wall decoration material is an important way of fire spreading, and water mist is an effective means to restrain fire spread. Compared with the automatic sprinkler system, the water spray system has the advantages of smaller water droplets, larger specific surface area, more heat absorbed per unit time, shorter fire-extinguishing time and water saving. However, in the past, few researches have been made on the fire extinguishing characteristics of water mist to wall materials. In this paper, the horizontal direction of water mist is mainly studied to restrain the fire spread of wall decoration materials, and two typical plywood and polyurethane soft sponge are selected. In this paper, the fire control and fire extinguishing action of water mist is analyzed when the water mist is applied in the preheating zone of materials facing to the fire spread. The transformation of water mist on the flame from fire control to fire extinguishing is theoretically analyzed. The theoretical model of critical water mist application and the factors influencing the critical water mist application are obtained. Under the simulated real conditions in the standard combustion chamber, the combustion inhibition effect of water mist on the wall material in confined space is tested. The critical water exertion rate of water mist applied in the flame preheating zone from fire control to fire extinguishing is obtained. In this paper, the method of calculating the application rate of critical water is introduced theoretically, and the calculation is carried out according to the experimental conditions, and the application rate of critical water is obtained. The influence of water mist applied in different positions on the fire development of wall materials was studied in the standard combustion chamber. The water mist was applied in the preheating zone and pyrolytic zone of plywood under different injection conditions. Heat release rate and CO concentration and temperature of wall decoration materials. The effect of water mist on vertical fire propagation in the preheating zone and pyrolysis zone of plywood was analyzed. Due to the effect of fire resistance, it is necessary to have enough initial velocity to reach the wall when the particle size reaches the flame surface. Therefore, the influence of particle size and initial velocity on the droplet movement in the air is theoretically analyzed in this paper. The limit distances of droplets with different sizes and initial velocities are obtained, and the relationship between the particle size change and the time and running distance of droplets passing horizontally through the flame zone is analyzed. According to the relationship between the particle size and the velocity of water mist, the fire extinguishing action of water mist can be divided into gaseous fire extinguishing and surface fire extinguishing. The difference between the horizontal direction of water mist acting on the flame and the vertical direction of the water mist acting on the flame zone is analyzed theoretically, and it is pointed out that when the horizontal direction of the water mist acts on the wall fire, the fire extinguishing action is mainly surface phase. A comparative experiment was carried out in the standard combustion chamber, and the theoretical analysis results were verified. The fire propagation inhibition effect of water mist on polyurethane soft sponge was studied, and the factors influencing the minimum application rate of water mist were analyzed. The minimum water application rate of 2cm thick polyurethane soft sponge for fire extinguishing was obtained.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前1條

1 周勇;張和平;楊健鵬;萬玉田;李立明;梅鵬;黃冬梅;;作用于杉木板預(yù)熱區(qū)的側(cè)向水噴霧臨界水施加率試驗研究[J];安全與環(huán)境學(xué)報;2011年01期





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