
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 文藝論文 > 裝飾藝術(shù)論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-07-29 08:37
[Abstract]:With the rise of national intangible cultural protection, people pay more and more attention to the protection of traditional handicrafts. With its unique regional and cultural dependence, Xiangxi handicraft has become the most representative propaganda symbol. Under this background, as a decorative art with unique national charm, Xiangxi tie-dyed should fully excavate its artistic value and cultural value, make great efforts to innovate in protection and inheritance, and analyze the application of Xiangxi tie-dyeing in contemporary bedroom decoration art. Protect and inherit the diversity of national culture, and promote the development of contemporary house decoration design. Integrating the national representative tie-dye into the interior space design can not only enrich the application symbols of the room space decoration, but also have realistic significance to the inheritance and protection of Xiangxi tie-dyeing art. This paper mainly takes the tie-dyeing art of Xiangxi as the research object, regards the design of the contemporary room space as the research platform, takes the combination of the two as the research emphasis, through the study esthetics, the design science, the culture science, National psychology and other related knowledge theory to the subject of comprehensive research. By referring to a large number of relevant documents and integrating relevant research materials and research results at home and abroad, the author summarizes the relevant knowledge of tie-dyeing art and contemporary bedroom decoration design in Xiangxi. At the same time, through the study of Xiangxi tie-dyeing art, more suitable for residential space design process products, the development and design of representative interior space decoration elements, enrich people's living needs. This paper analyzes and studies the historical background, technological process, artistic charm and application status of the traditional Xiangxi tie-dyeing art, and clarifies its role and significance in the contemporary house decoration. In the contemporary bedroom decoration design, we know the problems of the traditional Xiangxi tie-dyeing art development, through the contemporary bedroom design we should avoid the misunderstanding and the design principle, as well as the Xiangxi tie-dye art in art, The comprehensive study of the function and the physical property, will the Xiangxi tie-dye handicraft extensively into the bedroom decoration to carry on the creation, displays the new time style; Finally, the paper innovates the design idea of Xiangxi tie-dyeing art in the contemporary house decoration. We expect that the traditional tie-dyeing art will become a new direction in the development of room space decoration in the 21st century.


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