

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-07-28 15:37
[Abstract]:Peony pattern has a history and culture of nearly a thousand years in our country since ancient times, and has been handed down to now also the precious heritage left behind by the ancients. Besides having very strong adornment effect, still have certain cultural connotation and meaning. How to inherit and develop the traditional peony pattern and apply it to the clothing, so as to combine it with the modern art and collide with the modern elements. In the design concept of modern east and west, how to combine traditional craft with modern craft, how to combine pattern with structure craft, how to preserve and inherit traditional culture, is already a problem to be solved. In this paper, a large number of documents and historical materials of peony patterns are studied by means of the combination of induction and contrast, legend demonstration, case analysis and design practice. First of all, the article analyzes the artistic characteristics and aesthetic significance of peony patterns, understanding the origin and development of peony patterns in different periods, as well as the unique connotation and implication of peony patterns and using theory as the paver; secondly, the article analyzes the origin and development of peony patterns in different periods, as well as the unique connotation and implication of peony patterns. Combined with the form difference of peony pattern in traditional dress and modern dress, the application of peony pattern in dress pattern is understood. Again, the characteristics of modern clothing to discuss the trend in the modern peony patterns, how to better integrate into the modern fashion, modern style and clothing modeling. The use of peony patterns in clothing through layout arrangement, modern technology, color performance and clothing accessories embellishment and complete presentation in modern clothing; finally, on the basis of theory from the design practice, Through a series of costume design works to carry on the practice research, combine the theory with the practice, and apply the peony pattern to the dress in the form of practice. How to inherit and carry forward the traditional peony pattern, and how to combine the traditional peony pattern with the modern design as the guiding thought, through decoration, layout, color, and the form of garment texture structure and so on. It shows the diversity of the peony pattern in the present design and the more abundant and free form used in the dress. It not only retains the cultural heritage of the pattern but also has the characteristics of the times.


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