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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-28 15:29
[Abstract]:Packaging decoration is a kind of commercial logo which can be used in commercial activities and can act as a source indication. It is a trademark. The purpose of protecting packaging and decoration right is to promote competition and the maintenance and promotion of goodwill. The object of the protection of packaging decoration right is the only corresponding relationship between a particular decoration and a specific merchant. Packaging and decoration, as the object of trademark right protection, cannot have a substantial impact on the function, use, cost and quality of the goods, but shall have inherent significance or significance obtained through use, And should not be required to have higher visibility when there is inherent significance. In our country's anti-unfair competition law, the wording of "the special name, packaging and decoration of well-known goods" can be amended as "Commodity specific, no functional name, packaging, decoration".
【作者單位】: 上海政法學院;


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