

發(fā)布時間:2018-07-28 08:10
【摘要】: 黟縣地處安徽南部,房舍櫛比、阡陌交錯,自古便有“桃花源里人家”的美譽。黟縣境內(nèi)分布有數(shù)百個聚族而居的古村落,至今仍保留有大量的建筑遺存,較為完整地保存明、清時期建造的古民居3700余棟,為皖南之首。黟縣古民居構(gòu)筑精美,形狀考究、美觀實用;既具典型的徽派建筑風(fēng)格,又匠心獨運,結(jié)合當?shù)氐牡匦、地貌、風(fēng)水,巧作安排,水乳交融,成為令人觀止的自然和文化景觀。這為研究當?shù)氐拿窬咏ㄖ⻊?chuàng)造了良好的條件。 在選題角度方面,筆者選擇了黟縣民居的建筑裝飾作為研究對象。因為民居建筑裝飾反映的是特定社會群體的生活形態(tài)和審美觀念,民間藝人根據(jù)世俗情感和傳統(tǒng)觀念來確定裝飾的內(nèi)容和形式,并把地域特征的藝術(shù)技法和流派貫穿其間。同時因為在目前的各種研究中,對于民居建筑裝飾的研究還比較少,研究側(cè)重點也僅僅集中在民居裝飾種類及裝飾的題材與內(nèi)容方面,對于形成這種裝飾風(fēng)格特征的系統(tǒng)性研究相對薄弱。所以,筆者嘗試從建筑裝飾的角度去剖析建筑風(fēng)格產(chǎn)生的歷史文化根源。 本論文的研究方法以文獻查閱和實地調(diào)查相結(jié)合,在實施上采用了以點及面的研究方法,以明清時期的徽州民居建筑遺存為主要研究對象,并重點對徽州黟縣地區(qū)的民居裝飾進行考察研究。 本論文的主要成果是對黟縣地區(qū)的民居建筑裝飾進行了比較系統(tǒng)的研究,并結(jié)合了類型學(xué)、美術(shù)學(xué)、歷史學(xué)的研究方法,對黟縣地區(qū)民居建筑裝飾的風(fēng)格和審美趣味作出了結(jié)論性的剖析,這對于徽州地域建筑文化的研究提供了一定的參考和啟示。
[Abstract]:Yixian County is located in the south of Anhui. There are hundreds of ancient villages in Yixian, which still have a large number of architectural remains, more than 3700 ancient houses were built in the Qing Dynasty, which is the first in southern Anhui Province. The ancient folk houses in Yixian County are beautifully constructed, elegant in shape, and practical in appearance. They are both of the typical Huizhou architectural style and are unique and unique. They combine the local topography, geomorphology, geomantic arrangement and arrangement, and become a natural and cultural landscape that makes people look at the world. This has created good conditions for the study of local residential buildings. In the angle of choosing the topic, the author chooses the architectural decoration of Yixian folk residence as the research object. Because the architectural decoration of folk houses reflects the life form and aesthetic concept of a specific social group, folk artists determine the content and form of decoration according to secular feelings and traditional concepts, and run through the art techniques and schools of regional characteristics. At the same time, because of the lack of research on the architectural decoration of residential buildings, the research focus is only on the types of decoration and the themes and contents of the decoration. For the formation of this decorative style characteristics of the systematic study is relatively weak. Therefore, the author tries to analyze the historical and cultural origin of architectural style from the angle of architectural decoration. The research method of this thesis is based on the combination of literature reference and field investigation, and the research method based on point and plane is adopted in the implementation, and the main research object is the Huizhou dwelling architectural remains in the Ming and Qing dynasties. And focus on the Huizhou Yixian area residential decoration investigation and research. The main achievement of this paper is to make a systematic study on the architectural decoration of folk houses in Yixian area, and combine the research methods of typology, fine arts and history. This paper makes a conclusive analysis of the style and aesthetic taste of architectural decoration of folk houses in Yixian area, which provides a certain reference and inspiration for the study of regional architectural culture in Huizhou.


相關(guān)碩士學(xué)位論文 前2條

1 陳玲芳;徽州民居木雕藝術(shù)在室內(nèi)空間中的應(yīng)用研究[D];中南林業(yè)科技大學(xué);2011年

2 孫麗莎;木雕“百子鬧元宵”及明清徽州木雕興盛原因初探[D];安徽大學(xué);2010年




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