

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-07-27 20:09
[Abstract]:Han Dynasty was called "golden age" of lacquer ware, the production and manufacture of lacquer cup reached unprecedented prosperity. Lacquer cup as a drinking utensils, appeared in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and continued to Wei and Jin dynasties. The lacquer cup of the Han Dynasty inherited the fine characteristics of lacquer ware technology in the pre-Qin period. On this basis, the lacquer ear cup was innovated, and the process was more exquisite. In addition to the painting, the engraving of the needle and the appearance of gilded copper ornaments, Fastener and inscription decoration and other decorative technology, has entered a period of improvement, overflow. This article selects the Han Dynasty lacquer cup as the research object, unifies the correlation time background to analyze its decorative art causes, and carries on the summary and the elaboration to its development history, carries on the case analysis to the typical ear cup. Finally, the function and value of the decorative art of lacquer ear cup in Han Dynasty are obtained. This paper reviews the development process of lacquer cup in Han Dynasty, analyzes and studies the case and type from the aspects of modeling, pattern and technology, and makes a reliable position on its position in the development of lacquer ware in Han Dynasty.


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