

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-16 18:51

  本文選題:重慶 + 仿古建筑 ; 參考:《重慶師范大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:近代以來,重慶的建筑風(fēng)貌呈現(xiàn)出兩方面發(fā)展的格局。一面是在國際建筑文化沖擊下,強調(diào)與時俱進和體現(xiàn)經(jīng)濟繁榮的現(xiàn)代建筑;一面是強調(diào)體現(xiàn)民族文化的思想內(nèi)容和彰顯對地域建筑特征傳承的傳統(tǒng)建筑。在兩方面需求的驅(qū)動下,仿古建筑這種“似古實今”的新型建筑形式便運應(yīng)而生。它既能滿足現(xiàn)代人對大空間、多功能以及復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)的現(xiàn)實需要,又滿足人們懷古思舊的傳統(tǒng)情懷。筆者認為,傳統(tǒng)建筑中凝聚了民族的精神,沉淀著民族的文化,人們通過回望歷史,懷念歷史,能夠更真切地看懂現(xiàn)實,更明確地規(guī)劃未來。 本文以重慶現(xiàn)代吊腳樓形式的仿古建筑為主要研究對象。通過實地調(diào)研、對比研究及繪圖分析等方法,首先從地理、歷史、文化、經(jīng)濟、以及現(xiàn)代城市的趨同發(fā)展五個角度地對該地區(qū)仿古建筑的形成背景進行了分析和論證。提出了仿古建筑發(fā)展中出現(xiàn)的兩點問題,即仿古建筑設(shè)計中缺乏文化內(nèi)涵和現(xiàn)代元素對仿古風(fēng)格造成的不協(xié)調(diào)問題。 仿古建筑的形態(tài)在沿襲傳統(tǒng)的同時,又有所創(chuàng)新。不僅建筑的布局方式多樣,其形態(tài)構(gòu)成也呈現(xiàn)出豐富的姿態(tài),F(xiàn)代建筑材料與傳統(tǒng)木材的綜合運用,為設(shè)計者提供了廣闊的創(chuàng)作空間,使仿古建筑的平面跨度、空間高度和檐部的延伸提供了更多的可能。 建筑裝飾作為建筑的重要組成部分,本文探討了建筑裝飾對于建筑的三方面意義。筆者對仿古建筑中部分裝飾內(nèi)容的分析,認為仿古的裝飾是將多種風(fēng)格雜糅,出于為了裝飾而裝飾的目的來設(shè)計。此外,雕飾多為機械化預(yù)制,,這樣既縮短了制作工期,又便于后期維護。 綜合本文多方面的論述,旨在說明現(xiàn)代仿古建筑與傳統(tǒng)建筑已經(jīng)完全發(fā)生改變,希望建議人們在對仿古建筑進行審美評價時,勿一味地照搬傳統(tǒng)評判標準或?qū)徝滥J,要兼顧以發(fā)展的眼光來看待現(xiàn)代仿古建筑。
[Abstract]:Since modern times, the architectural style of Chongqing has presented a pattern of two aspects of development. On the one hand, under the impact of international architectural culture, it emphasizes the modern architecture that keeps pace with the times and reflects the economic prosperity; on the other hand, it emphasizes the ideological content of the national culture and the traditional architecture which shows the inheritance of the regional architectural characteristics. Driven by the demand of two aspects, the new architectural form of "ancient reality and present" comes into being. It can not only meet the practical needs of modern people for large space, multi-function and composite structure, but also meet the traditional feelings of nostalgia. The author believes that the traditional architecture embodies the spirit of the nation and precipitates the culture of the nation. By looking back at history and nostalgia for history, people can understand reality more truthfully and plan the future more clearly. This article takes Chongqing modern hanging-foot building as the main research object. By means of field investigation, comparative study and drawing analysis, this paper first analyzes and demonstrates the formation background of ancient architecture in this area from five angles of geography, history, culture, economy and the convergence and development of modern cities. This paper puts forward two problems in the development of archaic architecture, that is, the lack of cultural connotation in the design of archaic architecture and the incongruity caused by modern elements to the archaic style. The form of archaic architecture follows the tradition, but also innovates. Not only the layout of the building is diverse, its form is also showing a rich posture. The comprehensive use of modern building materials and traditional timber provides a wide creative space for designers and provides more possibilities for the extension of the plane span, spatial height and eaves of ancient buildings. As an important part of architecture, this paper discusses the three aspects of architectural decoration. Based on the analysis of some decoration contents in the archaic architecture, the author thinks that the decoration is a mixture of various styles and is designed for the purpose of decoration. In addition, engraving for mechanized prefabrication, so that not only shorten the production period, but also convenient for later maintenance. The purpose of this paper is to show that modern antiquated architecture and traditional architecture have completely changed. It is hoped that people should not blindly copy the traditional evaluation standard or aesthetic model when evaluating the antiquated architecture. To take into account the development of the vision to look at modern antiquated architecture.


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