

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-16 02:10

  本文選題:哈爾濱 + 歐式建筑; 參考:《東北林業(yè)大學》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:門窗——作為建筑的重要組成部分,對建筑的結(jié)構(gòu)和立面造型起到了至關重要的作用。哈爾濱歐式門窗造型不僅給建筑錦上添花,同時也成為了這座城市一道靚麗的風景線。門窗裝飾展現(xiàn)著造型美的特點,同時傳遞出整體建筑的美學特征。 論文以哈爾濱歐式建筑門窗為切入點,首先闡述了哈爾濱歐式建筑的形成與發(fā)展,梳理了哈爾濱建筑的歷史脈絡,從而引出哈爾濱歐式門窗的起源,從根本上闡釋了門窗在建筑裝飾中的重要地位,以求對哈爾濱歐式建筑門窗造型起源做理論支撐;其次,對哈爾濱歐式建筑裝飾的組成要素進行了闡述,分別對門飾與窗飾的裝飾結(jié)構(gòu)進行了分類、歸納、總結(jié),對哈爾濱歐式建筑門窗裝飾有了初步的了解。再次對哈爾濱歐式建筑門窗裝飾的形態(tài)要素、材料性質(zhì)、裝飾手法之間的交融與差異進行了探討分析,總結(jié)了哈爾濱近代建筑門窗裝飾與整體建筑裝飾的關系。然后,對哈爾濱歐式建筑的造型審美所產(chǎn)生的情愫進行了分析,將其與人的心理進行結(jié)合,旨在設計出為人類服務的建筑門窗形式,同時得出了多元化建筑樣式下的門窗造型所具有的特征。最后將哈爾濱歐式建筑門窗的協(xié)調(diào)機制進行研究,通過對建筑風格的歸納,對建筑環(huán)境的探究,對裝飾文化本身的解讀,對裝飾審美的理解,乃至于對人類心理學的研究等方法,得出結(jié)論闡釋哈爾濱歐式建筑門窗裝飾如此考究、如此精美的原因,同時也是對未來建筑門窗行業(yè)發(fā)展的一種啟發(fā)。并將本文所述精髓與實際相結(jié)合,設計出全新的兩款門窗裝飾風格,望對未來的哈爾濱歐式建筑門窗行業(yè)發(fā)展有一定的啟示。 論文通過文獻歸納分析法、實地觀察調(diào)查法、圖示圖表法、實例說明法和比較法,結(jié)合了美學,建筑學,心理學以及符號學等多門學科,對哈爾濱歐式建筑門窗裝飾的特點及風格進行了分析,對整個建筑的歷史、造型等各個方面的脈絡進行了疏導,從而得出研究結(jié)論。旨在對哈爾濱的建筑門窗行業(yè)的發(fā)展有一定的指引和借鑒作用。
[Abstract]:Windows and doors-as an important part of architecture, plays a vital role in building structure and facade. Harbin European-style windows and doors not only add to the architecture, but also become a beautiful landscape of the city. The decoration of doors and windows shows the beauty of modeling and the aesthetic characteristics of the whole architecture at the same time. This paper takes the door and window of the European architecture in Harbin as the breakthrough point, firstly expounds the formation and development of the European-style building in Harbin, combs the historical context of the building in Harbin, and thus leads to the origin of the European-style door and window in Harbin. This paper explains the important position of doors and windows in architectural decoration in order to provide theoretical support for the origin of Harbin European-style architectural windows and doors. Secondly, it expounds the elements of Harbin European-style architectural decoration. The decoration structure of door decoration and window decoration is classified, summarized and preliminarily understood to the door and window decoration of European architecture in Harbin. Thirdly, the paper discusses and analyzes the blending and difference between the morphological elements, material properties and decoration techniques of Harbin European-style architectural door and window decoration, and sums up the relationship between the modern Harbin architectural door and window decoration and the overall architectural decoration. Then, the article analyzes the emotion produced by the aesthetics of the European style architecture in Harbin, and combines it with the psychology of the people in order to design the door and window form of the building that serves the human being. At the same time, the characteristics of the door and window modeling under the diversified architectural style are obtained. Finally, the coordination mechanism of Harbin European-style architectural doors and windows is studied, through the induction of architectural style, the exploration of architectural environment, the interpretation of decorative culture itself, and the understanding of decorative aesthetics. Even in the study of human psychology and other methods, draw a conclusion that Harbin European-style architectural doors and windows decoration so elegant, so beautiful reasons, but also to the future development of architectural doors and windows industry is a kind of inspiration. Combining the essence of this paper with the practice, two new styles of door and window decoration are designed, which will enlighten the future development of Harbin European-style architectural door and window industry. This paper combines aesthetics, architecture, psychology and semiotics with literature induction analysis, field observation and investigation, graphic chart, illustrative method and comparative method. This paper analyzes the characteristics and style of the door and window decoration of the European architecture in Harbin, and draws the conclusion of the research on the history, modeling and other aspects of the whole building. The purpose of this paper is to guide and draw lessons from the development of building doors and windows industry in Harbin.


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