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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-15 12:46

  本文選題:現(xiàn)代包裝設(shè)計(jì) + 植物花卉紋 ; 參考:《華中師范大學(xué)》2008年碩士論文

【摘要】: 包裝的功能首先是保護(hù)商品,但由于商品對企業(yè)來說是為了銷售而生產(chǎn)的,如果商品無法銷售出去,那么包裝的保護(hù)功能只能落個(gè)“虛設(shè)”。所以其美化商品、傳遞信息以及促進(jìn)商品銷售的功能也就極具重要性。包裝設(shè)計(jì)作為一種文化形態(tài),它的精神功能越來越多地引起人們的重視。目前,包裝界對于自然設(shè)計(jì)抱以高度的關(guān)注,提倡從自然界提取元素進(jìn)行設(shè)計(jì)。依據(jù)這一思想,出現(xiàn)了很多優(yōu)秀的適應(yīng)社會(huì)需求的包裝設(shè)計(jì)。 但是在市場上也存在著這樣的一些設(shè)計(jì),它們漠視商品特點(diǎn),將不同寓意的元素糅合在包裝設(shè)計(jì)中,不但在商品概念傳達(dá)上造成了混淆,而且造成了消費(fèi)者視覺上的疲勞。 植物花卉紋受到全世界各國人民的喜愛,把植物花卉紋運(yùn)用到包裝設(shè)計(jì)中去,不但符合人們的審美習(xí)慣,也能將一些產(chǎn)品的性能、理念更加準(zhǔn)確的傳達(dá)給受眾。 研究植物花卉圖案在現(xiàn)代包裝設(shè)計(jì)裝飾中的應(yīng)用,有利于植物花卉圖案這一圖形的被應(yīng)用和傳播。本文將從分析現(xiàn)代包裝設(shè)計(jì)中的植物花卉裝飾入手,圍繞植物花卉圖案的表現(xiàn)形式和文化意義;植物花卉圖案的應(yīng)用方式和應(yīng)用特點(diǎn)及其在現(xiàn)代包裝設(shè)計(jì)裝飾中的意義進(jìn)行研究和論證。 植物花卉圖案作為現(xiàn)代包裝設(shè)計(jì)裝飾中有效傳達(dá)信息的元素之一,有助于滿足消費(fèi)者的審美需求,實(shí)現(xiàn)商品的銷售,并會(huì)促進(jìn)中國現(xiàn)代包裝設(shè)計(jì)的科學(xué)發(fā)展。
[Abstract]:The function of packaging is to protect the goods first, but because the goods are produced for the purpose of sale, if the goods cannot be sold, then the protective function of the packaging can only fall into "fictitious". So the function of beautifying goods, transmitting information and promoting commodity sales is very important. Packaging design as a cultural form, its spiritual function more and more people pay attention to. At present, the packaging industry is highly concerned about natural design, advocating the extraction of elements from nature for design. According to this idea, there are many excellent packaging design to meet the needs of society. However, there are some designs in the market, which ignore the characteristics of goods and combine the elements of different meanings in packaging design, which not only cause confusion in the communication of the concept of goods, but also cause visual fatigue of consumers. Plant flower patterns are loved by people all over the world. The application of plant flower patterns to packaging design not only conforms to people's aesthetic habits, but also can convey the performance and concept of some products to the audience more accurately. The research on the application of plant flower pattern in modern packaging design and decoration is beneficial to the application and dissemination of plant flower pattern. This paper will start with the analysis of plant flower decoration in modern packaging design, and focus on the expression form and cultural significance of plant flower pattern. The application and characteristics of plant and flower pattern and its significance in modern packaging design and decoration are studied and demonstrated. As one of the elements to convey information effectively in modern packaging design decoration, plant and flower patterns can help to meet the aesthetic needs of consumers, realize the sale of commodities, and promote the scientific development of modern packaging design in China.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前2條

1 黃蓉;王美艷;;茱萸紋在現(xiàn)代包裝設(shè)計(jì)中的應(yīng)用[J];包裝學(xué)報(bào);2013年02期

2 劉曉麗;;淺析圖形在包裝設(shè)計(jì)中的應(yīng)用[J];文教資料;2011年34期

相關(guān)碩士學(xué)位論文 前3條

1 竇悅;侗錦紋樣在土特產(chǎn)包裝設(shè)計(jì)中的應(yīng)用研究[D];湖南師范大學(xué);2012年

2 孟德鴻;宋代植物紋飾意蘊(yùn)研究[D];齊齊哈爾大學(xué);2012年

3 王淑文;卷草紋裝飾特征及其在現(xiàn)代家具設(shè)計(jì)中的應(yīng)用[D];中南林業(yè)科技大學(xué);2013年





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