

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-15 08:56

  本文選題:扎染藝術(shù) + 牛仔服; 參考:《廣東工業(yè)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:As a part of Chinese traditional culture, tie-dyed art is one of the unique cultural treasures of China. However, with the development of science and technology, the tie-dyed art can only exist in the form of small workshops and works of art, but can not become the daily clothing form of the masses, and can not make the Chinese traditional culture get a very good inheritance. Denim clothing is functional and universal, and has become the daily wear of the general public. The proposal of Belt and Road provides an opportunity for the combination of Chinese traditional tie-dyed art and western denim. With denim as the cultural carrier, the tie-dyed art culture can be more widely spread and better passed on and developed. Applying Chinese traditional tie-dyeing art to the decorative design of denim, exploring the collision and fusion of Chinese and western cultures, and making Chinese traditional tie-dyeing culture better interpreted, is the focus of the subject study. The author reads, analyzes and arranges the literature books on tie-dyed art, denim clothing and decorative design, including its cultural connotation, aesthetic characteristics and its elements. In addition, the appreciation of tie-dyeing art, explore its art aesthetic, sum up, with its own design and brand clothing cases, so as to explore the tie-dyeing art in jeans clothing decoration application research. Firstly, this paper summarizes the theory of tie-dyed art and denim, interprets the historical origin, artistic characteristics and connotation of traditional tie-dyed art, and analyzes the historical trend of denim clothing. Form the basic elements of cowboy style and its multiple decorative techniques; then carry on the related research of decoration design, explore the Chinese traditional tie-dyeing art and the western personality cowboy use the formal beauty method organic combination, Compare tie-dyed art with denim, find out the common and different points, from analyzing brand clothing cases, to the interpretation of clothing decoration, so as to explore the decorative application of tie-dyed art in denim clothing. It provides the feasible theoretical basis for the decoration design of denim clothing and some guiding suggestions on the operational level. The decorative design of tie-dyed art on denim clothing has great development space. When designing denim costume decoration, the diversification of tie-dyed art and denim decoration technique makes the design express language and connotation more abundant. The creation of decorative aesthetic sense can be accepted by people, make Chinese and Western cultures merge and coordinate, make tie-dyed art retain its essence and burst out new vitality, at the same time try to arouse people to examine and think about traditional culture. The author thinks that the practice of designing denim with tie-dyed art has important guiding significance and is one of the developing directions of the design and application of denim. It is one of the important ways to inherit and develop Chinese traditional tie-dyed culture.


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