

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-15 07:45

  本文選題:蓮花紋樣 + 表現(xiàn)形式; 參考:《武漢紡織大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Art and religion are inextricably linked. Lotus is an extremely important symbol in Buddhist art. As a decorative technique, it is widely used in Buddhist decoration. As a materialized image of Buddhist doctrine, it has very important religious significance. Since ancient times, China has loved lotus flowers, using the image of lotus as decorative patterns, the introduction of post-Buddhism, the use of lotus patterns more widely, and there are many stories about lotus flowers in the Buddhist sutras. Devout believers give them deeper connotations, both in shape and in meaning. As we all know, Buddhism originated from India and spread to China. Lotus ornaments had no religious significance before Buddhism was introduced into China. After Buddhism was introduced into China, lotus ornaments began to have religious color. Lotus ornaments have been paid more and more attention in the development of history and applied to various kinds of carriers, such as daily necessities, ceramics, gold and silver ware, textiles and so on. Secondly, Buddhism and Chinese local Confucianism and Taoism collide with each other, and the inner meaning of lotus decoration evolves more auspicious implication. From the semiotics point of view, as a symbol, lotus ornaments have certain symbolic characteristics, which are the combination of diachronic and synchronic, and diachronic changes and synchronic changes will also occur. So the lotus ornaments have the characteristics of the times and the national characteristics brought to it by each era. With the change of the times and the development of science and technology, people began to look at the world with a new vision, but the traditional decoration has not disappeared under the influence of the new trend of thought, people love the design works with the traditional elements. As an important part of traditional decoration, lotus decoration is often used in contemporary design. It contains unique Chinese culture and has its unique symbolic connotation and artistic conception characteristics. The connotation and artistic conception of this symbol are embodied in the inheritance and fusion of its intrinsic meaning and the refinement and evolution of its shape for contemporary design. National is the world, the world is also national, look at the modern, we should create more attentively, put their beliefs and thoughts into the work, design a soulful, thoughtful works, Inherit and develop Chinese traditional culture.


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