

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-13 20:21

  本文選題:速生木材 + 環(huán)保裝飾材料 ; 參考:《中南林學(xué)院》2005年碩士論文

【摘要】:本研究以速生楊木和速生杉木為對(duì)象,對(duì)這兩種材質(zhì)較差的速生木材用于制造高檔室內(nèi)裝飾材料的生產(chǎn)工藝進(jìn)行了研究,希望探索一條以利用速生工業(yè)林為主的低質(zhì)木材逐步取代天然林而用于木材深加工和創(chuàng)造高附加值產(chǎn)品的新用途,提升傳統(tǒng)產(chǎn)業(yè)、開(kāi)拓新的市場(chǎng)。此研究符合國(guó)家林業(yè)發(fā)展政策。 本課題在研究中分別就現(xiàn)有的生產(chǎn)工藝進(jìn)行了分析,通過(guò)對(duì)楊木的變形、楊木的藍(lán)變、指接耗材過(guò)大、異型截面工件膩?zhàn)油坎寂c砂光困難、杉木年輪膨脹、杉木樹(shù)節(jié)油脂滲透、底層透色、涂層(膩?zhàn)?氣泡、膩?zhàn)痈街Σ畹壬a(chǎn)中的具體問(wèn)題進(jìn)行了探討,進(jìn)行了大量的試驗(yàn),優(yōu)選出的以0.50%百菌清+0.30%硼酸+0.30%94消毒液為主要原料的楊木防藍(lán)變劑,能有效地防止速生楊木的快速藍(lán)變。通過(guò)采用自然干燥降低速生楊木的初含水率、提高窯內(nèi)循環(huán)風(fēng)速、提高介質(zhì)溫度、合理選擇循環(huán)風(fēng)向、高溫水汽預(yù)熱、將傳統(tǒng)窯體進(jìn)行適當(dāng)?shù)母脑煲蕴岣邿嵝实却胧?在保證干燥質(zhì)量的情況下,將速生楊木的干燥周期縮短了3天。同時(shí),針對(duì)裝飾線材截面變化大而難于填刮膩?zhàn)拥奶攸c(diǎn)以及速生木材涂層易出現(xiàn)氣泡、脫落、透色、膨脹變形的特點(diǎn),提出了直線異型截面涂裝與涂層氣泡消除技術(shù)、水性膩?zhàn)拥目焖俑稍锛夹g(shù)、防止杉木年輪膨脹技術(shù)、杉木抽提物滲透的處理技術(shù)、熱量循環(huán)與綜合利用技術(shù)以及減少木質(zhì)原材料的消耗的新的生產(chǎn)工藝與技術(shù),此外,還通過(guò)對(duì)楊木和杉木的材質(zhì)特性的分析,提出了有效解決膩?zhàn)痈街Σ畹姆椒ā?通過(guò)本課題的研究,總結(jié)出了一套利用速生木材制造高檔室內(nèi)裝飾材料的新工藝,成功地解決了速生杉、楊木制造線型室內(nèi)裝飾材料中所遇到的各種技術(shù)問(wèn)題,不僅降低了生產(chǎn)成本,提高了產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量和產(chǎn)能,而且使得速生木材制造高檔裝飾材料的生產(chǎn)工藝更加合理,真正實(shí)行了工業(yè)化生產(chǎn)。此套工藝和方案,通過(guò)在工廠的實(shí)際應(yīng)用,取得了良好的效果,按照此工藝生產(chǎn)的產(chǎn)品全部出口到美國(guó)和加拿大,經(jīng)過(guò)嚴(yán)格檢驗(yàn),產(chǎn)品百分之百合格,同時(shí),本課題的部分研究結(jié)果己在國(guó)內(nèi)有關(guān)專業(yè)雜志上公開(kāi)發(fā)表。
[Abstract]:In this study, fast growing poplar and fast growing Chinese fir were taken as the objects to study the production technology of these two kinds of fast growing wood, which were used to manufacture high grade interior decoration materials. It is hoped to explore a new use of low-quality wood, which mainly uses fast-growing industrial forest, to replace natural forest for deep processing of wood and to create high value-added products, to promote traditional industries and to open up new markets. This study is in line with the national forestry development policy. In the research of this subject, the existing production technology is analyzed, through the deformation of poplar, the blue change of poplar, the excessive consumption material of finger joint, the difficulty of coating and sanding of special section workpiece putty, the expansion of annual ring of Chinese fir, the penetration of oil and grease of Chinese fir node, The specific problems in the production of underlayer percolation, coating (putty) bubble and poor adhesion of putty were discussed. A large number of experiments were carried out, and 0.50% chlorothalonil 0.30% boric acid 0.30% disinfectant was selected as the main raw material of poplar anti-blue change agent, and the main raw material was 0.50% chlorothalonil 0.30% boric acid 0.30% disinfectant. Can effectively prevent fast growing poplar rapid blue change. By using natural drying to reduce the initial moisture content of fast-growing poplar, to increase the circulating wind speed, to raise the temperature of the medium, to select the circulation wind direction reasonably, to preheat the water vapor at high temperature, and to improve the thermal efficiency of the traditional kiln body by proper modification, etc. Under the condition of ensuring drying quality, the drying period of fast growing poplar was shortened by 3 days. At the same time, aiming at the characteristics that the cross section of decorative wire is changed greatly, it is difficult to fill the putty, and that the rapid growing wood coating is easy to appear bubble, shedding, color permeation and swelling deformation, the technology of coating and bubble elimination of the coating is put forward. Waterborne putty rapid drying technology, preventing Chinese fir annual ring expansion technology, Chinese fir extract infiltration treatment technology, heat circulation and comprehensive utilization technology and reduce the consumption of wood raw materials new production technology and technology, in addition, Through the analysis of the material properties of poplar and Chinese fir, an effective method to solve the poor adhesion of putty is put forward. Through the research of this subject, a set of new technology of making high-grade interior decoration materials by using fast-growing wood is summarized, and the various technical problems encountered in the manufacture of linear interior decoration materials by fast-growing wood and poplar are solved successfully. It not only reduces the production cost, improves the product quality and production capacity, but also makes the production process of the high-grade decorative material of fast-growing wood more reasonable, and the industrialized production is really carried out. Through the practical application in the factory, this set of processes and schemes have achieved good results. All the products produced according to this process have been exported to the United States and Canada. After strict inspection, the products are 100% qualified, and at the same time, Some of the research results of this topic have been published in the relevant professional journals in China.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前2條

1 吳昊;;基于杉木物理特性的杉木家具結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)淺析[J];廣西輕工業(yè);2011年05期

2 鄧昕;;基于材料形態(tài)特征的松木家具造型設(shè)計(jì)[J];家具與室內(nèi)裝飾;2011年08期





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