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發(fā)布時間:2018-06-04 10:19

  本文選題:滇文化 + 動物裝飾 ; 參考:《四川大學(xué)》2003年碩士論文

【摘要】: 戰(zhàn)國至西漢時期是云南青銅文明化的鼎盛階段。滇文化青銅器上的動物裝飾,因其異于中原及周邊地區(qū)的獨(dú)特風(fēng)格而引起了學(xué)者的關(guān)注。本文在前人研究的基礎(chǔ)上,運(yùn)用圖象學(xué)和風(fēng)格分析的方法,以及相關(guān)的文化傳播理論,對滇文化青銅器動物裝飾的內(nèi)容、風(fēng)格及淵源等作出分類和研究,并將滇文化動物裝飾與北方系動物裝飾納入一個完整的系統(tǒng)來作了全面的比較,期望能盡可能地反映出兩地之間的異同,進(jìn)而對滇文化動物裝飾的來源這一問題作出一點(diǎn)努力。 從滇文化青銅器動物裝飾內(nèi)容和風(fēng)格來看,既受到了某些北方文化因素的影響,又有起源于本地的富有本民族特色的裝飾。理清它們之間的關(guān)系對于探討滇文化動物裝飾的淵源是一條非常重要的線索。本文在這方面作出了一些嘗試。 在此基礎(chǔ)上,本文推測了將外來文化因素帶入云南地區(qū)的民族以及途徑。這一問題對于探討兩漢以前這一地區(qū)的民族遷徙與文化交流具有很重要的意義。本文對此作出了一些初步的推測。
[Abstract]:The warring States period to the Western Han Dynasty was the peak stage of Yunnan bronze civilization. The animal decoration on bronze ware of Yunnan culture has attracted the attention of scholars because of its unique style different from the Central Plains and surrounding areas. On the basis of previous studies, this paper classifies and studies the content, style and origin of animal decoration in bronze ware of Yunnan culture by using the methods of image science and style analysis, as well as relevant theories of cultural communication. This paper makes a comprehensive comparison between the animal decoration of Yunnan culture and that of the northern family animals, hoping to reflect as much as possible the similarities and differences between the two places, and then makes some efforts on the origin of animal decoration in Yunnan culture. Judging from the content and style of animal decoration of bronze ware in Yunnan culture, it is influenced by some northern cultural factors, and it also has the adornment with native national characteristics. To clarify the relationship between them is a very important clue to explore the origin of animal decoration in Yunnan culture. This paper makes some attempts in this respect. On this basis, this paper speculated on the ethnic groups and ways to bring foreign cultural factors into Yunnan. This issue is of great significance to the discussion of ethnic migration and cultural exchange in this area before the Han Dynasty. In this paper, some preliminary speculations are made.


相關(guān)碩士學(xué)位論文 前1條

1 朱淑姣;商周時期青銅器夔龍紋藝術(shù)符號研究[D];湖南工業(yè)大學(xué);2009年





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