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發(fā)布時間:2018-06-04 08:51

  本文選題:熱塑性裝飾材料 + 火災(zāi)模型 ; 參考:《中國科學(xué)技術(shù)大學(xué)》2007年博士論文

【摘要】: 熱塑性裝飾材料因其質(zhì)輕、便宜、加工方便和防水、耐腐蝕等優(yōu)點,在建筑中得到了廣泛的應(yīng)用。然而熱塑性裝飾材料在建筑火災(zāi)中,會釋放出大量的有毒煙氣,通過壁面火蔓延或流動火蔓延,為火災(zāi)向鄰區(qū)發(fā)展提供通道,,擴大火災(zāi)面積并強化室內(nèi)火災(zāi),加速室內(nèi)火災(zāi)的發(fā)展過程。 以往的裝飾材料火災(zāi)研究主要集中在“熱固型”材料,對于熱塑性裝飾材料的火災(zāi)行為研究非常少,熱塑性材料的受熱流動特性其火災(zāi)行為與“熱固型”材料的火災(zāi)行為有很大的差異,因此本文的目標(biāo)是對熱塑性裝飾材料的火災(zāi)特性進行研究。根據(jù)實際情況選取了五種常見的熱塑性裝飾材料PP(聚丙烯)、PE(聚乙烯)、PS(聚苯乙烯)、PMMA(聚甲基丙烯酸甲脂)和PVC(聚氯乙稀)裝飾板作為研究對象,運用小尺寸實驗和全尺寸實驗相結(jié)合的方法進行火災(zāi)特性研究。 小尺寸實驗采用熱失重分析儀(TG)和錐形量熱儀(Cone),熱失重分析儀用于研究材料的熱解特性,分析了材料在空氣中的熱解過程和熱解動力學(xué),為熱塑性裝飾材料火災(zāi)行為的研究提供最基礎(chǔ)的支持。錐形量熱儀用于研究材料的小尺寸燃燒性能,分析了材料厚度與外加熱輻射通量對材料的點燃時間、熱釋放速率和質(zhì)量損失速率等火災(zāi)參數(shù)的影響。利用無量綱化、數(shù)值模擬和線性擬合的方法建立了預(yù)測熱薄型、熱中型和熱厚型材料的點燃時間公式,以無量綱熱輻射通量的形式給出了各預(yù)測公式的適用范圍,并驗證了其可靠性。 目前建筑裝飾材料的對火行為測試標(biāo)準(zhǔn)很難能夠反映熱塑性裝飾材料的火災(zāi)行為,因此本文根據(jù)火災(zāi)中熱塑材料的受熱行為,基于ISO 9705熱釋放速率實驗臺,設(shè)計并搭建了熱塑性裝飾材料火災(zāi)行為實驗平臺。利用該實驗平臺研究了材料種類、材料厚度、點火源功率、地板材料和熔融流動能力對熱塑性裝飾材料全尺寸火災(zāi)行為的影響,測量了熱釋放速率、油池與油池火面積、火焰高度等關(guān)鍵的火災(zāi)參數(shù)。通過對實驗數(shù)據(jù)的分析提出了熱塑性裝飾材料的流動燃燒與固體表面燃燒兩種燃燒形式,運用材料熱解機理對燃燒形式進行了解釋,分析得到影響熱塑性裝飾材料火災(zāi)行為的重要因素。 在實驗研究文獻分析基礎(chǔ)上,提出了熱塑性裝飾材料火災(zāi)過程模擬的困難與方向,利用場模擬軟件FDS對熱塑性裝飾材料固體表面燃燒過程進行了模擬計算,分析了FDS對固體表面燃燒過程模擬的適用性。根據(jù)順流火蔓延理論,推導(dǎo)了無點火源作用下壁面向上火蔓延的計算公式,并對固體表面燃燒火災(zāi)過程進行了模擬,驗證了推導(dǎo)的計算公式的適用性。
[Abstract]:Thermoplastic decorative materials have been widely used in buildings for their advantages of light quality, cheap, convenient processing, waterproof, corrosion resistance and so on. However, thermal plastic decorative materials will release a large number of toxic fumes in building fires, through the spread of wall fire or flow fire, to provide channels for the development of fire to adjacent areas, and to expand the area of fire. Strengthen indoor fire and accelerate the development of indoor fire.
The previous research on the fire of decorative materials is mainly focused on the "thermosetting" materials. The fire behavior of thermoplastic materials is very small. The fire behavior of thermoplastic materials is very different from the fire behavior of the "thermosetting" material. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to fire the thermal plastic decorative materials. Five kinds of common thermoplastic decorative materials, PP (polypropylene), PE (polyethylene), PS (polystyrene), PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate) and PVC (polychlorinated ethylene) decorative plates, were selected as the research objects according to the actual conditions. The fire characteristics were studied by combination of small size experiment and full size experiment.
The thermal weight loss analyzer (TG) and conical calorimeter (Cone) were used in the small size experiments. The thermal weight loss analyzer was used to study the pyrolysis characteristics of the materials. The pyrolysis process and pyrolysis kinetics of the materials in the air were analyzed, which provided the most basic support for the study of the fire behavior of the thermoplastic decorative materials. The effects of material thickness and external heating flux on fire parameters such as ignition time, heat release rate and mass loss rate are analyzed. The formula of ignition time for predicting hot thin, hot and hot profile materials is established by dimensionless, numerical simulation and linear fitting method, with non dimensional heat radiation flux. The application range of each prediction formula is given, and its reliability is verified.
At present, the fire behavior test standard of the building decoration material is difficult to reflect the fire behavior of the thermoplastic decoration material. Therefore, based on the thermal behavior of the thermoplastic material in the fire, based on the ISO 9705 heat release rate test platform, the experimental platform of the thermal plastic decorative material fire is designed and built, and the experimental platform is used to study the material. The effects of material types, material thickness, point fire power, floor material and melting flow ability on the full size fire behavior of thermoplastic decorative materials were investigated, and the key fire parameters such as heat release rate, oil pool fire area and flame height were measured. The flow combustion and solid of thermoplastic decoration materials were put forward by the analysis of experimental data. Two kinds of combustion forms are burned on the surface of the surface. The combustion forms are explained by the pyrolysis mechanism of the materials, and the important factors affecting the fire behavior of the thermoplastic decorative materials are analyzed.
On the basis of the literature analysis of the experimental research, the difficulty and direction of the simulation of the fire process of the thermoplastic decorative materials are put forward. The simulation of the combustion process of the solid surface of the thermoplastic material is simulated by the field simulation software FDS, and the applicability of the FDS to the simulation of the combustion process of the solid surface is analyzed. The formula for calculating the fire spread under the action of the fire source is simulated, and the burning process of the solid surface is simulated. The applicability of the derived formula is verified.


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