

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-03 10:05

  本文選題:寧海縣 + 宗祠戲臺(tái)。 參考:《浙江工業(yè)大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:寧?h位于浙江東部沿海,歷史悠久且有著深厚的人文底蘊(yùn)。歷史上,寧海戲劇活動(dòng)頻繁,尤其是明清時(shí)期,達(dá)到鼎盛,被稱為“戲劇之鄉(xiāng)”。所流行的劇種除了本地班平調(diào)以外,還包括京劇、越劇、新昌調(diào)腔等。戲曲活動(dòng)興盛的同時(shí)也催生了當(dāng)?shù)貞蚺_(tái)的發(fā)展。據(jù)考證,寧,F(xiàn)存古戲臺(tái)大約120座,這些古戲臺(tái)結(jié)合中國(guó)傳統(tǒng)美學(xué)思想,在制造工藝上手法精湛且技藝高超。 寧海古戲臺(tái)是國(guó)務(wù)院公布的第六批國(guó)家重點(diǎn)文物保護(hù)單位,有著悠久的歷史積淀,集戲曲藝術(shù)、設(shè)計(jì)美學(xué)、人文內(nèi)涵于一身,這其中最為多見的屬宗祠戲臺(tái)。其布局考究,裝飾精美,除了負(fù)載著凝聚宗族情感,規(guī)范宗法禮儀的歷史使命外,也見證了當(dāng)?shù)貞蚯囆g(shù)的繁榮與發(fā)展。作者采用實(shí)地考察并結(jié)合理論研究,從寧海當(dāng)?shù)氐纳鐣?huì)背景到戲臺(tái)產(chǎn)生發(fā)展的歷史沿革,分析宗祠戲臺(tái)的布局形制、裝飾手法、裝飾題材及裝飾特點(diǎn)等藝術(shù)特征,探究其形成的特定裝飾藝術(shù)風(fēng)格的文化成因和人文內(nèi)涵,并對(duì)寧海宗祠戲臺(tái)的保護(hù)與再利用提出有效方法和途徑,為歷史文物遺存在現(xiàn)代社會(huì)的發(fā)展提供有利方向。但是本文只是針對(duì)寧海宗祠戲臺(tái)的裝飾藝術(shù)和背后的文化內(nèi)涵做探討,是其保護(hù)與發(fā)展的前期基礎(chǔ)資料,后續(xù)研究還有待繼續(xù)深入。
[Abstract]:Ninghai County is located in the eastern coast of Zhejiang Province, with a long history and profound humanistic heritage. Historically, Ninghai drama activities frequently, especially in the Ming and Qing dynasties, reached its peak, known as "the hometown of drama." Popular operas include Peking Opera, Yue Opera, Xinchang tune and so on in addition to local banping tune. At the same time, the development of the local stage was spawned by the prosperity of opera activities. According to textual research, there are about 120 ancient theatres in Ninghai. Ninghai ancient stage is the sixth batch of national key cultural relics protection units announced by the State Council. It has a long historical accumulation, which includes opera art, design aesthetics and humanistic connotation. In addition to the historical mission of combining clan feelings and standardizing patriarchal etiquette, it also witnessed the prosperity and development of local opera art. Based on the field investigation and theoretical research, the author analyzes the artistic features of the Zongci opera stage, such as layout, decoration, decoration theme and decoration characteristics, from the local social background of Ninghai to the historical evolution of the stage. This paper probes into the cultural origin and humanistic connotation of the specific decorative art style, and puts forward effective methods and ways to protect and reuse the stage of Ninghai ancestral Temple, which provides a favorable direction for the development of historical relics in modern society. However, this paper is only to explore the decorative art and cultural connotation behind Ninghai Zongci opera stage, which is the early basic data of its protection and development, and the follow-up research needs to be further studied.


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2 喬云飛;山西高平市二郎廟戲臺(tái)保護(hù)與修復(fù)對(duì)策初探[J];山西建筑;2005年20期

3 朱迪光;民間信仰與中國(guó)文化精神研究[J];十堰職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)院學(xué)報(bào);2001年03期

4 李眾喜;;山西古戲臺(tái)雕飾風(fēng)格演變及文化動(dòng)因[J];浙江藝術(shù)職業(yè)學(xué)院學(xué)報(bào);2012年02期




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