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發(fā)布時間:2018-06-03 08:40

  本文選題:經(jīng)濟(jì)適用住房 + 共有產(chǎn)權(quán)模式; 參考:《上海社會科學(xué)院》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Since the establishment of the system of affordable housing in 1998, it has effectively solved the housing difficulties of a large number of middle and low income families, and raised the price of house prices in the commodity housing market to a certain extent. However, with the continuous change in the social objective situation, a series of problems such as private sublease, chaos, illegal buying and illegal buying and selling have appeared. We have deviated from the original purpose of the establishment of the system. The governments of all parts of our country have "made suggestions" and "built the system of regulations", and made numerous attempts from the angle of the reform of the property right mode of affordable housing, such as the "limited property" model of Beijing, the "renting and selling" model of Hangzhou, the "common property right" model of Shanghai and so on. In the process of continuous improvement, the practice provides valuable experience for the improvement of the system in the field of affordable housing in China. On the basis of reading a lot of academic research results, the author finally chooses the model of the common property right mode of affordable housing, and puts forward the improvement of the relevant housing system in our country. In the first part of the article, the main problem is to make a basic definition of the core concept of this article, and analyze the concept of affordable housing under the common property rights model and the particularity of the subject, object and power distribution. In the second part of the article, the second part of the article begins with the advanced practice in the field of housing security abroad. The common property rights model of Britain and Australia, the model of shared rights and interests of the United States, the reference significance of the group house system in Singapore to the common property rights model of our country. At the same time, because the local governments of our country have made many attempts in this field, the mode of economic application of housing property rights is different, which are all perfect for our research. The mode of property right provides the realistic basis. This part will comprehensively analyze the experience of domestic and foreign, and provide ideas for improving the economic housing system of the common property right mode in our country. The third part of the article mainly analyzes the existing problems of the current economic housing in our country under the common property right mode. These problems mainly include: The low level of law leads to the disunity of relevant regulations in various places; the relevant rules stipulate that the fuzziness leads to its poor operability; the unclear definition of the security standards leads to the existence of loopholes in the exit mechanism; the poor coordination degree of the relevant system leads to the failure of the common property model to be fully promoted; the lack of legal system leads to the lack of relevant legal liability. The applicability of the housing property rights also requires us to analyze and clarify the allocation of rights, such as the right to possession and use, the right to return, and the burden of maintenance and decoration, and other obligations between the insured and the government. In the fourth part of the article, the economic housing is due to common property rights. This chapter relies on the relevant provisions of the internal legal relations and external legal relations in common, and combines the uniqueness of the common property rights of the affordable housing, and focuses on the analysis of the debt bearing problems in the internal legal relations and external legal relations in the process of the transfer of property rights. It provides theoretical support for the improvement of the property right system of affordable housing. The fifth part of the article, mainly from the perspective of the construction of the common property right system of affordable housing, puts forward some ideas and suggestions. For example, the insured and the government have to avoid the proportion of property rights based on the proportion of property rights in the practical operation. At the same time, the author also analyzes the necessity, the difficulty and the relationship with the relevant supporting system of the government repurchase system.


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