

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-02 00:02

  本文選題:實(shí)木整體裝修 + 工廠化。 參考:《浙江農(nóng)林大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of social economy, the consumer's pursuit of quality of life makes the decoration industry constantly progress, personalized demand increased, personality customization will become the trend of development. With the renewal of the economic environment and the constant adjustment within the industry, the decoration industry emerges as the times require, and many enterprises have invested in it. This article will take this as the background, will adapt to the modern industrialization production to introduce the mass customization design pattern into the home decoration industry, changes the traditional decoration pattern, creates the better research and development condition for the enterprise. Combine the standardized design of parts with the rapid design pattern, and establish the combination mode of individualized order for customers. Through the development of the whole decoration industry and the development trend in the future, this paper explores a design model and production installation suitable for the factory customization of solid wood integral decoration, in order to carry out further research. The main parts involved in this paper are the standardization design of solid wood integral decoration, the research of overall decoration customization in factory production, the general assembly construction, and the standardized theory of quality control and project acceptance. Throughout the whole solid wood decoration factory design, production, construction process. The whole production system and the parts of solid wood decoration are standardized in the process of realizing the factory production and individualized customization of solid wood integral decoration. By optimizing the types and quantity of parts and improving the versatility of components, a simple and fast combination mode is improved for customers. At the same time, after exporting the design scheme to the factory through the standard bill of materials, the factory uses modern advanced technology, adopts advanced technology, carries out factory production, assembles and pre-assembles the equipment in the factory. Ensure product quality and process. Finally, the construction group according to the construction standards, the site installation of solid wood decoration components, construction. According to the standard operation, is the integral decoration of solid wood personalized customization integrity guarantee. Finally, according to the actual cases, the paper describes the overall process of the solid wood integral decoration factory customization, summarizes and analyzes the research conclusions of the paper and the prospects of the future solid wood overall decoration customization.


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