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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-31 22:26

  本文選題:陶瓷盒器 + 藝術(shù)風(fēng)格; 參考:《景德鎮(zhèn)陶瓷學(xué)院》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the development of human civilization, ceramic box can meet the increasing material and cultural needs. We can understand the general situation of people's life and the unique cultural customs in different periods from the ceramic box fragments. In this paper, the appearance, development and evolution of artistic style of ceramic box are studied. First of all, through the introduction of the concept, origin, type and so on, let everyone have a general understanding and impression of the box; secondly, through the definition of the concept of ceramic box, And the development of ceramic box in different periods and its artistic characteristics are analyzed, leading to the main part of the article-ceramic box type, function research and ceramic box art performance research two parts. Through the understanding of these two parts, we further studied several aspects of ceramic box, such as material, modeling, expression, glaze decoration, etc. In order to understand the horizontal development of ceramic box in different times and the vertical development of the same ceramic box, at the same time, the art characteristics of ceramic box in different periods are summarized. Finally, The aesthetic of ceramic box is studied. Through the profound analysis of the beauty of the shape, the beauty of the craft and the beauty of the decorative effect, the embodiment of the aesthetic value of the ceramic box in the course of the development of art aesthetics is revealed. In this way, through the understanding of the whole development history of ceramic box and its artistic characteristics, it is of great significance for us to enlighten and use for reference in the future development.


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1 尹琳月;陶瓷盒器藝術(shù)研究[D];景德鎮(zhèn)陶瓷學(xué)院;2015年





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