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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-01-12 13:22
[Abstract]:The social trend of thought is one of the main development modes of aesthetic culture and is the trend of social aesthetic thought. There are two kinds of social thoughts, one is based on social sensibility (social psychology), the other is based on social rationality (ideological system). Compared with the latter, the former spreads widely in space, but lasts for a short time. Aesthetic culture can also be divided into two categories: the narrow aesthetic culture emphasizes the rational norms implied in the perceptual manifestation, and the broad aesthetic culture emphasizes the perceptual pleasure in the culture. The narrow sense of aesthetic culture is propagated mainly through social rationality, forming the social aesthetic trend of thought based on the ideological system, and the broad sense of aesthetic culture is mainly through the social perceptual popularity, forming the social aesthetic trend of thought based on the social psychology. The development law of social aesthetic trend of thought is mainly from point to face, cyclic, occasionally changeable. Grasp the development of social aesthetic trend of thought, also grasp the pulse of the spirit of the times.
【作者單位】: 中山大學(xué)中文系;


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