

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-25 10:48

  本文選題:哈爾濱地域性 + 北方居住區(qū); 參考:《天津大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the development of the city and the guidance of intensive land use policy, the high-rise buildings in the city are developing rapidly. The density of residential areas in Harbin is increasing day by day. In recent years, the volume ratio of newly developed real estate projects in Harbin is between 3.3 and 3.5, which is very rare and even reaches 3.8. The population density of the high-density residential area is high, and the use of public space and landscape resources in the residential area is higher, and the landscape is more vulnerable to destruction. However, quite a part of the environmental design of the high-rise building group has not effectively organized the landscape and space functions according to its own layout, so that the space function of the residential area is lack of coordination, and the landscape characteristics are also reduced. However, due to the restriction of regional climate in Harbin, the landscape creation of residential areas is adversely affected. The hard landscape cannot be as dexterous as the southern region, and the planting landscape is more unitary than that in the southern region. These problems make the development of Harbin residential landscape slow. With the improvement of people's living standard and the progress of the concept of life, the quality of landscape environment of residential area has been improved more and more, and the landscape and space function of residential area has been unable to meet the needs of people in the past. How to effectively improve the comprehensive quality of the environment landscape outside residential area through design means has become an urgent problem to be solved in Harbin urban landscape construction in recent years. The comprehensive problems brought about by the characteristics of the northern region and the high-rise residential areas can not be completely solved by applying the successful design concept of the south directly because the climatic factors and landscape design conditions in the north are more stringent. How to deal with the comprehensive problems brought by the regional climate and the environmental landscape of high-rise residential areas is the subject to be solved in this paper. This paper takes the Qunli Home District of Harbin as the research project. The research of this project is of great significance to the landscape environment of the northern high-density residential area. Harbin Qunli Home is a typical high-density residential area. By means of landscape design and according to the spatial layout characteristics of residential area, this paper deeply studies how to make good use of the landscape characteristics of each space in residential area. Improve the use of space and richness, and this design in line with the original urban characteristics of Harbin respect, strive to achieve the noble and elegant, quiet romantic, concise atmosphere theme, building into a modern open, quality outstanding residential area, At the same time, it can be used for reference in the planning and design of the outer environment of the residential area in Harbin.


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