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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-01-01 09:29
[Abstract]:The word "ci Da" is a concentrated reflection of Confucius' ethic-based concept. Since the Han Dynasty, scholars' understanding of "ci Da" has been divided into two angles: the perspective of Confucian classics and the perspective of literature. It focuses on the three levels of "truth", "truth" and "mere meaning". It is on the basis of this diverse litigation that Su Shi put forward the idea of "reaching the meaning of resignation" in the Song Dynasty, arguing that the speech ends in meaning and pursuing literary talent, which is a return to the value of text creation outside the concept of Taoism. The ideas reflected by Su Shi on ci Da have their own historical background, which determines that Su Shi's literary values should be applied to the world first, and then to the independent value of literature itself. Su Shi's concept of literature not only has an extremely important influence on the development of literature in the Song Dynasty, but also has reference significance to the construction of the core values of contemporary literature. The construction of aesthetic values of literature based on morality should avoid dogmatism. Both literature and morality should come from life and return to life.
【作者單位】: 棗莊學(xué)院;


相關(guān)期刊論文 前10條

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