

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-27 10:09
[Abstract]:Yue Ling Chengying Opera is an important type in Qing Palace Chengyue Opera. Based on the method of philology, this paper studies the relevant situation of screenplay and documentary record, which is divided into five chapters. In the first chapter, the author reviews the research situation of the Qing Dynasty's lunar order in the past more than a century, and then determines the research object of this paper, namely, the Qing Dynasty's lunar order, which is defined as the customary performance of the Qing Dynasty's imperial court at the age of the Qing Dynasty. The content is closely related to the festival custom allusions of the opera, and based on this, three main criteria for judging the Yuelingcheng opera: first, whether the performance time is relatively concentrated in a certain seasonal point; The second is whether a certain section is directly pointed out in the lyrics and the third is whether the content of the performance is marked by the custom of a particular season. The second chapter, from the formation of the origin, acting season, handed down the repertoire, classification and other four aspects, the Qing Palace month Ling Chengying the overall situation of the general situation of combing. According to the characteristics of text system, the origin of its formation is traced back. Through the differentiation and analysis of the period of the performance with the month of the Qing Dynasty, the background of the performance of the month of Qing Palace is understood, and the extension of the month of the Qing Palace is defined. On this basis, the history of plays and plays for an inventory. At the same time, on the basis of different performance characteristics, the Yue Ling Chengying Opera is further divided into classical and ornamental operas in order to better grasp their respective characteristics. The third chapter, from the script form, the script type, the adaptation way, the script characteristic and so on four aspects, carries on the combing to the Qing palace month order Chengying drama the related situation. Firstly, the script is intuitively understood from the aspects of its appearance, writing form, writing content, title change and so on. After that, it defines seven different types of rehearsals, such as total text, angle text, music score, string head, outline, drum board and so on. Based on the reading income, to delete, change two characters, to summarize the adaptation of the script, and to focus on the content of the script, to point out the scene of the moon, the praise of the Lord Saint Shichang, the rich folklore, the funny entertainment, etc. As a summary of the characteristics of the content of the Qing Palace Yue-Cheng-ying drama. The fourth chapter, from the participants, rehearsals, performance management, acting characteristics of four aspects, to the Qing palace month Chengcheng drama performance. Around where the performers come from, how to perform training, how to organize performances, from the performance level to understand and grasp the Qing palace month Chengcheng opera. And according to the actual performance situation, the performance lineup is huge, the performance place is broad, the performance dress is exquisite, the performance arranges the pattern and so on, as the resolution to the Qing palace month Chengcheng drama performance characteristic. The fifth chapter selects the Dragon Boat Festival Chengyue drama "expelling evil ways" to carry out a case study, from the performance script, the performance situation, the performance place, the support personnel, the costume masonry, the performance form and so on six aspects, carries on the comprehensive research to "expelling evil way".


中國(guó)期刊全文數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù) 前10條

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中國(guó)碩士學(xué)位論文全文數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù) 前2條

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