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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-26 08:33
[Abstract]:The creation of preface began to flourish in the Tang Dynasty, and the development of the preface became more and more mature in the middle Tang Dynasty. Liu Zongyuan, one of the main advocates of the ancient prose movement, has made outstanding contributions to the creation of prefaces. This article takes Liu Zongyuan gift preface as the research object, tracing back to the history, through the concrete research to the Liu Zongyuan gift preface text, analyzes the artistic characteristic and the thought connotation in the Liu Zongyuan gift preface. It is divided into four parts: the introduction defines the concept of "gift preface" concretely, and summarizes the development and research status of gift preface. The first chapter makes a detailed analysis of the theme classification of Liu Zongyuan's preface. This paper summarizes the specific themes of these four categories: sending officials, sending scholars, sending monks and Taoists, and sending officials, and analyzes the different characteristics and emotional connotations of these four types. The second chapter focuses on the artistic characteristics of Liu Zongyuan's preface. Mainly from four aspects of novel idea, fine structure, sharp and sharp language and natural rhetoric, this paper mainly analyzes the preface text, and probes deeply into the unique artistic skills of Liu Zongyuan's gift preface. Liu Zongyuan's preface takes off the ornate external form and focuses on depicting the reality. The content of the preface is rich and varied, and the writing technique of the article is also rich in variety. The third chapter focuses on the ideological connotation of Liu Zongyuan's preface. It is discussed from the following four aspects: Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism during relegation, the integration of the three religions mainly Confucianism and the literature thought of advocating "literature with Ming Dao". Liu Zongyuan's gift preface clarifies his philosophy of life and literary concept. This chapter analyzes the ideological connotation of the preface of his gift based on the specific social background and his life experience at that time.


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