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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-19 09:16
[Abstract]:The family is the basic unit for the construction of the feudal order in ancient China. In ancient Chinese history, there were countless Yu and Yu families. They formed a family cultural group under the influence of the common family legalists, the family spiritual atmosphere, and the family traditional culture. Thus in literature, or in history, or in classics, or in other fields of great achievement. The Fufeng Ma family is such a literary family. In its family, there are many literate and skillful writers, such as Ma Aid, Ma Yan, Queen Ming de Ma, Ma Rong, and so on. They have left behind many literary works for later generations. For the history of Chinese literature to add a strong color. This paper is a case study of the Ma's literary family in the Han Dynasty. It aims to explore the relationship between the literature and the family through the analysis of the causes of the good literature of the Ma's family. The main content is divided into three parts. The first part discusses the sociological aspects of the category of the family. Lay the theoretical foundation for the following; From the angle of historiography, the lineage, migration, evolution and development of the Ma's family are combed. The second part mainly discusses why there are so many rich members of the Ma's family in the Han Dynasty, looking for the reasons from the perspectives of region and literature, time and literature, family and literature. The third part focuses on the general situation of the literary creation and literary achievements of the Ma's family, and focuses on the characteristics of the literary creation of the members of the Ma's family, and pays attention to the convergence of their literary styles as a whole.


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