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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-15 15:09
[Abstract]:Jingkang difficult, the Northern Song Dynasty destroyed. Zhao established his regime in Linan, and the whole area north of the Huaihe River was occupied by the Jin army, forming a confrontation between the north and the south. The rulers of the Jin Dynasty practiced racial discrimination in the northern region. Xin Qiji lived in the Jin region until he was 23 years old, and then Xin Qiji returned to the south until his death. Born in Jinan, Shandong Province, Xin Qiji was deeply influenced by Qilu culture in the northern culture, and wrote a large number of patriotic anti-Japanese words. As a northerner, Xin Qiji is a northerner with a frank and candid character, which influences the creation of Jiaxuan's ci, and makes the style of Jiaxuan's ci mainly open. After Xin Qiji returned to the south, he lived in the southern region for many years, and the influence of the natural humanities of the southern region on Xin Qiji could not be ignored. Xin Qiji was greatly influenced by the culture of Jingchu and Wuyue, especially by the culture of Wuyue. Southern area scenery is beautiful, the climate is pleasant, southerner disposition is gentle and graceful. Under the influence of southern culture, Xin Qiji created some ci poems describing country life and leisure life, the style of ci began to soften, and some ci works with graceful style appeared. Xin Qiji has lived in the north and the south for a long time. The natural humanities of the north and the south have been indirectly integrated into the ci works of Xin Qiji, which has influenced the writing of Xin Qiji. This paper writes about the influence of northern culture and southern culture on Jiaxuan ci, in which the northern culture mainly refers to Qilu culture, the southern culture mainly refers to Wuyue culture. The images selected in this paper are not unique to the northern or southern regions, but they represent the style and characteristics of the northern and southern regions.


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