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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-12 06:52
[Abstract]:From 1924 to 1930, Lao She's foreign journeys connected China, the South Ocean and Europe, and his novel creation took place on this journey. "two horses" written in London, reflects the mixed picture of the central city of the Empire; "the Birthday of Xiao Po", which begins in Singapore, reproduces the South Ocean between the East and the West. The City of Cat, written in Jinan, is an allegory of the death of modern China. The cross-border foreign experience and multi-entity identity make Lao She's novels become murmur and polysemous, forming a complex text world. The process of Lao She's novels shows that the literary system established in a certain period of time in modern society has not only invented a special literary mainstream, but also hinted at the widespread existence of "obstinate murmur", which is the latter rather than the former. It constitutes the eternal motive force of the infinite trend of literary modernity in seeking for new changes. While confluence in the May 4th literary tradition, it also opens its opening and plural character as a historical origin, which is the true value of Lao She and his novels.
【作者單位】: 青島大學(xué)文學(xué)院;


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